Mesquite Patriots Meeting 4-2-24: Special Guest Speaker Tony Grady for US Senate

10 months ago

Tony Grady is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, retired FedEx pilot, husband, and father of 4. He has centered his life around service: service to his country and service to the great state of Nevada. Tony was a 2022 Nevada Lieutenant Governor Republican Primary candidate, finishing second by 5.8%. Tony dominated rural Nevada winning 13 out of 17 counties. He earned 48,835 votes coming in second place to a seasoned politician in a seven-way primary.

Visit his website to learn more and to donate:

Tony Grady on the Issues
Rule of Law
• Uphold our Constitution
• Equal application of the law
National Security
• Nationally enforce our immigration laws
• Cities, eliminate soft on crime policies, support law enforcement
Economic Prosperity
• Regain energy independence
• Establish pro-business policies by reducing unneeded regulations
Champion of the Family
• Stand up for the sanctity and dignity of life
• Reestablish parental choice in education
• Focus on improving skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic
Protect Our 2A Rights
• Safeguard our rights to keep and bear arms

American Values: Another Voice: A Pilot’s Perspective on Living the American Dream Paperback – March 28, 2024 by Tony Grady. (Book Available on Amazon)

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