What Is the Sign of Jonah?

6 months ago

On April 8th 2024, a total solar eclipse will occur and will follow a path across the United States. Many have claimed that the path will go through cities named after prominent biblical names and concepts like Nineveh, Salem, and Rapture. Many have gone on to notice that when combined with the path of the 2017 eclipse, these two eclipse pathways form an "X" across America. There have then been different interpretations of this "X". Some take it to be a reference to the Rapture, which many are predicting will happen on this day. Others believe it reveals coming judgment on America. Many have connected the eclipse with Jesus's statement about the "sign of Jonah" in Matthew 12. What is the truth about this? What is the sign of Jonah in the biblical context? Can it refer to an event today?


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