DOUG MICHAEL TRUTH - THE SYSTEM IS A LIE - Uploaded April 2nd 2024

6 months ago

In this enigmatic existence, we traverse a labyrinth of illusions—a perceptual overlay that obscures the raw fabric of reality. Our senses, like veils, drape over our consciousness, weaving a tapestry of deception. The mundane becomes extraordinary, and the ordinary, extraordinary. We dance upon the tightrope of existence, our footing uncertain, as if treading upon shifting sands. The false paradigm whispers its seductive secrets: security, purpose, meaning. Yet, beneath the surface, the truth eludes us—an elusive specter that flits between shadows. We chase mirages—wealth, fame, love—only to find them dissipate like morning dew. Our lives, a grand theater, stage-managed by unseen hands, beckon us to play our roles with fervor. We wear masks—smiles, frowns, indifference—while the cosmic jest unfolds. The lie is our solace, our refuge from cosmic indifference. We cling to it, like shipwrecked souls to driftwood, as the tempest rages. And so, we waltz through this strange world, our hearts echoing the paradox: Are we the dreamers, or are we the dream?

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