Declaration of Non Consent to fictional law 4/04/2024

6 months ago

My understanding is that Laws are to be kept and respected.

This has been with me since reading the Bible at school and choosing to follow Higher Law relating to how people act and behave.

I extend this understanding down the rung to statutory law, choosing to not directly disobey those laws put in place.

Therefore, I do not drive recklessly, I do not drive inebriated/drunk, I wear my seatbelt, I follow speed limits etc.

I do not expect to be accused of not following those laws, especially by corporate policy enforcers intent on assuming guilt upon a living man with no evidence of any actual wrongdoing being present.

Every being is innocent until proven guilty.

A harmed individual or a witness to a harmed individual or a witness to trespass of property or goods must come forward for an accusation to take place.

This is actual Law.

To be forced to consent to a random alcohol or drug test without evidence of inebriation is unlawful.

To be forced to supply a legal name to a corporate authority without evidence that an actual crime has been committed against another is unlawful.

Regina v Banner 1970 (NT Supreme Court), Ibitt v NSW 2006, DPP v Hamilton 2011 (Vic), Kaba v Police 2016 (Vic)

To forfeiture this understanding of law and its importance within society over the imposition of a fictional colour of law, upheld by corporate statuaries within fictional states, is itself unlawful.

Statutory law is not true law but tyranny driven for profit and gain by those who are willing to enforce fictional law at the point of a gun, mostly to the detriment of honest individuals.

I do not consent to these proceedings and the Estate will not stand as surety for these proceedings.

This is without dishonor, ill will or frivolity
Signed, sealed and delivered.

Principal/Beneficiary of the Estate of
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