John Larter & Basil Valentine on Locked & Loaded with Rick Munn - 02 April 2024

9 months ago

GUEST OVERVIEW: John Larter found himself sacked by NSW Ambulance for failing to comply with a mandatory vaccination order and subsequent policy. As a result he took the Health Minister Brad Hazzard to the NSW Supreme Court to fight what can only be described as medical apartheid. He is passionate about politics and has previously been elected Mayor. He shares a passion for aviation like Graham and holds licences for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. John teamed up with Drifta in 2022 and opened a store in Tumut. He is married to wife Caitlin(RN) and has six children. John is passionate about serving and answered the call from “Hoody” to assist with the Corakai floods. He has worked in many disasters including assisting with the Bali bombings and our most recent bushfires.

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