Lois Mclatchie Miller & Debi Evans on The David Kurten Show - 02 April 2024

10 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Lois McLatchie serves as a senior communications officer for ADF UK . Formerly, Lois McLatchie was a legal analyst on ADF International’s UN Advocacy Team at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland to promote the inherent value of every person. She is an alumnus of ADF International’s Veritas Scholarship, completing training on international law, communications and argumentation. McLatchie holds an LLM Human Rights Law with distinction from the University of Kent. During her studies, she completed extensive research on bioethical issues, including surrogacy.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Debi Evans (SRN, PG Cert Autism) is UK Column's nursing correspondent. She is a past advisor to the UK Department of Health.

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