Ashkenazi Jewish Converts Were Pressuring the US Government for 1 Billion Dollars to Create Israel

10 months ago

Ashkenazi Jewish converts were pressuring the US government for 1 billion dollars to create Israel which is LONG before Hitler. According to Jewish American news papers, Hitler somehow killed 6 million Jews before he came to power.
Israelis ISIS & the US government uses the media as Israel's state propaganda vessel.
1913, Rothschild funded a dead beat felon named Scofield to add notations to the New Testament & circulated it to millions of Christians. That's ALSO the year, Rothschild opened the federal reserve.
Rothschild programmed Christians 'Jews are chosen', no, they're not. According to the NT - Galatians 3:28 NIV - There is neither Jew nor Gentile.
Gen 12 - G-d blesses those who bless ABRAHAM, NOT #Israel. Israel = JACOB as in Jacob Rothschild.
Modern Evangelicalism is a scam by a vain Jewish banker. By 1917, he secured Balfour Declaration to create Israel with Western treasury money shackling Brits, Europeans and Americans with the debt.

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