Ep30: PM & Ammo Purchase Programs, Firearms Training, and Welding

11 months ago

In Episode 30 of The Kershner Files, Dave provides the standard updates for PMs, Survival Realty, and state specific gun shows. From there, this week, he discusses his recent hunting trip, the Patriot Trading Group’s “Preferred Metals Program”, AmmoSquared’s ammunition purchase program, and the assorted courses and challenges available at PrairieFire which was formerly Front Sight. Articles/topics discussed:

- Spot Prices for Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) - from the davidjkershner.com website
- Survival Realty - featured properties and new listings
- State-by-State Gun Shows - from the davidjkershner.com website
- Patriot Trading Group's Patriot Preferred Metals Program
- AmmoSquared's Ammunition Purchase Program
- PrairieFire's Course and Challenges

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