Late Summer Guidance | Alirien Reads Tarot Horoscopes for Lughnasadh/Lammas 2022

8 months ago

Hey, y'all!
It may be late, but these readings still pertain! Here are the twelve tarot horoscopes for the Western Zodiac signs for the season of Lughnasadh, or Lammas. For these readings, I used the Moon Crystal Tarot by Alexandra Aquilina (ScreenGirlBerlin on Etsy; find the link below) and the Messages from the Mermaids oracle deck by Karen Kay, illustrated by Linda Olsen. I am not sponsored by either deck creator. Happy Lughnasadh!

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Portals to other Planes:
Open 0:00-5:00
Leo 5:00-7:58
Virgo 7:58-12:27
Libra 12:27-17:38
Scorpio 17:38-20:38
Sagittarius 20:38-24:32
Capricorn 24:32-27:02
Aquarius 27:02-29:12
Pisces 29:12-33:09
Aries 33:09-35:53
Taurus 35:53-37:42
Gemini 37:42-39:08
Cancer 39:08-41:11
Closing 41:11-43:25

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