Final Drive Face Seal and Bearings Installation - John Deere (Torque Hub Version)

10 months ago

Quick video showing how to install the Face Seals and bearings on a John Deere Torque Hub Final Drive Motor. You can install these without taking your drive motor off the machine. Although, it would be much easier if you do. We also sell a custom made tool to help install and uninstall that Spanner/Assembly Nut. You can reuse the Assembly Nut! Check our site out if you need any other parts for your Final Drive! Thanks for watching!

Call if you have any questions, we rebuild these every day and are happy to help you with yours! We also offer pump rebuilds, gear pumps, undercarriage parts, rubber tracks and more for your model.

NOTICE: The "D" series models for John Deere can carry either a "Rexroth" drive motor or a "Torque Hub" Drive Motor. Be Sure to check the type of drive you have before ordering! You can watch our video on telling the differences.

Fits Models (If Model Number has "D" check your Final Drive):
John Deere - 319D, 319E, 323D, 323E, 325G, 329D 329E, 331G, 333D, 333E, 333G

Video Chapters -
Intro - 0:00
Bearing Install (Motor Side) - 0:08
Face Seal Install (Motor Side) - 0:53
Bearing Install (Gearbox Side) - 1:38
Face Install (Gearbox Side) - 1:51
Conclusion - 2:09

Located: Warsaw, Indiana.
Business Hours: Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm EST (Closed on weekends)

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Tags -
#workshop #manufacturing #motors #gears #crcomponents #mechanical #mechanic #sealkit #seals #parts #drivemotor #finaldrive #gearbox #repair #repairs #skidloader #skidsteers #trackloader #shop

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