Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Miriam Shaw with Moms on a Mission - Captions

11 months ago

Good morning everybody and welcome once again to another live show today and welcome one of my friends, Miriam Shaw from Moms on a Mission. Thank you for joining today's live show and how are you today? Thank you, Julie. I'm so honored to be here. I am doing great today. How are you? I'm great. So Miriam and I were at the podcaster thing over the weekend with Clay and so many other people and it was a great weekend.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


A lot of things happening. Miriam, I want you to just start out with today's live show and just, just introduce yourself to the viewers show who you are and just tell them the mission that you're on with moms for a mission. Yes. So I am Miriam Shaw. I am a pastor's daughter. I grew up in Maine of all places, New England.

And my dad was this, not just a pastor, but he stood for truth and that was my role model growing up. And so I just couldn't help being a preacher's kid. You know, you get a lot of. You get a lot of bad rap sometimes, you know how that is, do we have that in common? And so I just learned to stand for truth at a very young age I was in a public school system debating, you know My english professor on our teacher on the existence of god.

I was standing up for pro life issues at Just 16, 17 years old. And, and he just really, I believe the Holy Spirit and my father, my earthly father, my heavenly father deposited this sense of justice inside me and to stand for truth. And so fast forward, I went to Oral Roberts university, got married. I had a short stint as a pharmaceutical rep, and then my husband is a home builder.

And so I worked with him in real estate, but. The Holy Spirit spoke to me through clay Clark and just through other circumstances about starting this podcast moms on a mission. And he told me to do this, Julie. And I told him, I have nothing to say. I, I really have nothing to say. You are picking the wrong person, Lord.

I was having a Moses moment. I didn't stutter, but I just. Thought I'm just a mom, like I'm 50. I think it was 54 at the time and I'm trying to, I have one child, he was a sophomore at the time and I thought, Lord, you have got the wrong person. I really don't know what to tell you here. And so, one thing led to another and I, I did kind of a Gideon move on God, which I don't recommend, but I did say if my friend will do this with me, her name was Julie as well.

If she does it with me, I will do it. And she's so shy. I thought. There's no way she's going to say yes. And she said, yes. And I was like, Oh, here we go. You know, and, and she had to bow out last August, her, she had some family health issues that she had to tend to. And so then I was on my own and I was like, this is going to be a bit of a challenge, but God is so faithful.

You know, he doesn't necessarily call the equip, he equips the called. And so that's how the whole thing started. And the mission really comes from standing for truth and really encouraging others to act. And so, you know, the three pillars of the moms on a mission podcast are to educate, awake and activate.

And, you know, it's hard to become activated when you're not awakened or not educated with the truth. And so that's what I love about you, Julie, is that you are so So great at, at teaching the word and, and creating action with our mouth and speaking the word of God over our country, over our families.

And that's so critical and that's kind of what I'm doing as well with the moms on a mission podcast. That's awesome. So you're, you started out a lot like I did cause obviously you guys know a pastor's kid and you also started out how you were like me. I don't want to get on social media. I was just, that was just not me because I had, and people will see this because I'm, I'm honest with them, I don't edit my videos.

I stutter sometimes or I get really excited and I just say too much at one time and I'm just like, I lose my train of thought or I'll. I don't enunciate something right and I make mistakes and so I know that about myself. I didn't like the way I looked on camera. I didn't like the way I sounded. I wasn't going to watch myself.

I'm like, God, if I don't even want to watch myself, how's anybody else going to want to watch me? That was huge for me. So hearing you do the same thing, I was just like, God, it's just revealing to us. Even though we couldn't see the importance of what we were going to do, God saw it. And the whole type of thing is it's also your obedience.

You obeyed God and God has us on and he equips you said, he, when he calls somebody into a position and he tells somebody and you're just like, well, I can't do that. I can't. Well, that's a lie. You can because you can do all things through Christ. Even though we may not be able to feel like that way or see it, but God does.

And so our obedience is so important to God in the timing of our obedience as well, because delayed obedience is disobedience. And so, I was disobedient for a while, unless I, he was just warning me for like three years, but it took me a long time. How long did it take you to start getting on and getting comfortable with being on air when you started doing this?

So, my coach is Clay Clark and he is the best of the best and he's very honest, sometimes brutally honest. But I like that. I, I love truth no matter what. And so he said it would take 50 episodes to be comfortable and he was about right. It was right around that time and, and that is the definition of courage is doing it anyway, doing it, doing it with your knees knocking a little bit.

But I know. You know, you talk about speaking in front of people and you're like, I don't know what God's going to say, but I just go up there and I know he's going to deliver, and which he does faithfully every single time. And so that's just what I've done. I thought, you know, this is. When, when you truly believe and know that it's not about us, it's about him and that we're just the conduit.

We're just the hose and the connector and it's all about the anointing and the presence of God going through us and, and going into the hearts and the souls of people that's what it's all about. And so when we really understand that and believe the truth in that statement, it's We could stutter. We could do whatever because it's the anointing that breaks the yoke.

It's not Julie. It's not Miriam. It's the anointing that breaks the yoke and we're just conduits for the anointing. Yeah. And so another thing you said that we have a lot of the same type of, well, similarities is that righteous indignation. It's that wanting to see. justice being served. And I think that was what fired me.

Cause I was like, Lord, what am I going to say every day? And I'm like, you were the same way. What are we supposed to say? But it's that righteous indignation that just boils up in me all the time, because all I want to see is justice. All I want to see is that freedom. All I want to see is what God is having for God's people.

And so mom's on a mission. Tell me what exactly that you're doing to help other moms. Have their voices be heard, change things that you feel in your heart that you really truly want changed for that righteous indignation and that justice that we want to see. Yeah. So I remember the day it was the, the spring of 2021.

And I remember right where I was when the Lord spoke to me through Aaron Antus, actually I was. treadmill and I was praying and asking the Lord, what can I do? I'm just a mom. And, and I almost felt a little paralyzed, Julie, because I, I just felt like this way, the way of the world, like we all have to do something.

I just didn't know what to do. And I spoke with Aaron on the phone. I said, Aaron, what are we going to do to save our country? What? What is God going to do? And he said, you know, General Flynn says local action has a national impact. Maybe you need to run for mayor. Maybe. And I was like, no, that's the devil.

I don't receive that at all. I was like, no way. But after I got off the phone with him, that just resonated in my heart. And I went to the first reawaken America tour here and I'm in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And I heard clay and general Flynn. They both said, you know, ask the Holy spirit, ask him what you can do.

And so I did. And so one thing led to another and the podcast started. And really the whole goal is to educate moms and really Americans and humanity at large to ask the Holy spirit, what we can do and then listen. And I think. People think it's might be hard to hear from god, but I am telling you what he is so Faithful and so what the mission is to educate here and to to educate folks as it relates to medical tyranny medical fraud or educational issues at school and and learning what type of curricula I know you and I have talked about that Privately about with you know, our children and and things like that and and so i'll have different Educators on i'll have different folks on to talk about indoctrination and things of that nature and also health and wellness and, and then election integrity.

And just really a little bit of everything I've had, you know, Dr. Peter McCullough on Laura Trump, Kash Patel just lots of a variety of people who are speaking truth. And at the end of the day, that's what it's all about. Biblical truth and then constitutional truth. And, and really as we deliver the truth, inspiring action, because that's when hope, I mean, we.

We can get really overwhelmed and maybe folks feel like they're, you know, depressed because of what they see in the news. But as you so beautifully say and point out, you know, God wins. And so it's so important that we act. And so that's on the podcast. I give different ideas, things that we can do, whether it's attending school board meetings, whether it's going to your city council meeting.

And most importantly, before any of that, And knowing Esther 414 says we are called for such a time as this. And really, I think back to Hebrews 11 and I, I just wanted to point out. When I went to ORU, we had to write an essay to get, to get into ORU. And the title of it was faith without works is dead.

And this was when I was 18 years old. I was, I was focused on. Acting, you know, and obeying God and doing something to fulfill not just his call, but his word and his declarations. And so I was looking at this, preparing for my chat with you today, Julie, and I was looking through Ephesians 11 and I thought your listeners might find this really fascinating, but the Bible says the worlds are prepared by the word of God.

And I noticed you talk about the power of your words, your faith. five sessions that you did on that. And our world was prepared by the word of God and not out of things which are visible. So the whole point is to not look at our surroundings, but to look at the word of God. And I went through and I counted the number of times that.

The Bible says that either it was Abel, Enoch, Noah, all of these folks, they acted. So faith acts. And so I counted up, it was 27 times, 27, whether it was Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, it says, you know, they offer, they were taken up, they obeyed, they, they received, they blessed they refused. All of these words were Faith acted and I thought that is so powerful.

That is what the whole goal is with moms on a mission is to focus on the word of God, speak the word of God and then listen and then obey and act and trust that God is faithful to fulfill his word in each of our lives and to know it's not about us. It's about him. And so different things that we encourage folks to do, obviously, is to read the word.

We are called for such a time as this, and then listen to the Holy Spirit. He might say, you know, go to the school board meeting. He might say, go to this conference, whether it's your conferences or clay Clark or the The various health and freedom conferences that are happening all across the nation or just talking to your neighbor or your family member about something you read in the word, something you heard that was truth related and sharing that because I think some, well, Satan is a liar.

We all know that. And he tries to tell us that we are powerless, that, you know, we can't do these things. things. But the Bible says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. And that means speaking the truth, listening and obeying. And you know, maybe God wants you to get on YouTube and do a podcast too, like Julie and I, you know, it's not, I know he's not going to call everyone to do that, but just being open.

Yeah. To what he's called us to do. I mean, Julia, I didn't say this, but I had never really even listened to a podcast before I did this. I didn't really even know where the podcast icon was on my iPhone. Like I, I didn't, I was like, what is a podcast? And that just goes to show you, like, I, I didn't, I didn't want to do this.

It's not about me. It's about him and it's about him fulfilling his call on this earth through you, through me and through all the listeners. And, and even when you're feeling confident, just asking the Holy Spirit. What can I do and then quiet your heart and listen and he's so faithful to answer us Yes, and I'm telling you I in the same way I just there's so many things that every single day that we can do You know when you think about you know you have moms on a mission and the Lord has given me a ministry that I'm supposed to you know go and Give prophetic words give encouragement give truth.

Whatever the Lord has give teachings wherever it has You This is what we do, but everybody in the body of Christ has a part to play. Everywhere. The bite of Christ is important. And that's why I was saying, even at the podcasters event over the weekend, every person is important to this country. Every person is important to God.

Every voice has to be heard. Every person has a reason that they are, are here for such a time as this, and that God has anointed and appointed all of us to do his work, to do his will, to speak his words, to trust in him, to believe in him, because we are the We are here. He's aligning us all up. There's a remnant of almighty God, his body of Christ to take back, which have already been his and it is his, but already should have been ours.

It's his, but it should have been ours. And so all of us are so imperative. Everyone that's watching, I say, what can I do? Like you said, you, you could go be part of a board meeting or I mean, the the council at a school, or you could be part of anything. If you're a police officer, no matter who you are and what you're doing, if you're a paramedic, if you're if you work in, Your fire you work in the fire department, doesn't matter.

God has you for there for a reason. And then what you can do is find out and say, okay, God, well, I'm going to work today. Like if you're a paramedic, one of my, one of my assistant, her daughter's paramedic, you know what she does? She prays in her ambulance while she's taking people to the hospital. She may not be in the five full ministry.

She may not be. But she's important because every person that she comes in contact with in that ambulance They're being touched by god. That's right You know what? I mean if you're a teacher and you are teaching in schools and everything around you is going wrong You can ask god. Okay god What you want me to say to these children today, what words do you want spoken?

What do you need me to impact them in their life to change the influence, to change what everybody can be used in such an important way. And that's why I love the mission that you're on and what you're doing for so many months. I think what you say is so good julie because what you're saying correct me if i'm wrong But what you're saying is you're living out the mission of jesus no matter where you are And I think sometimes we can compartmentalize and say well, that's julie green.

That's her ministry She prays over us. She speaks. She educates us and teaches us the words. She prophesies But really we are all called To be vessels of Jesus Christ. We all have the anointing and the Holy spirit inside us. And, and it's not like, you know, we go and do that at church and then, or we have a Bible study with our kids at home.

You know, we, this is an everyday thing. We are walking temples of the Holy ghost and, and whether, you know, God says, Hey, I'd like you to talk to that person at the grocery store. I'd like you to pray for them. And, you know, you kind of look and see they're struggling, or I want, I'd like you to pay for their groceries and just different things and just being open and listening.

And, and, and to the Holy Spirit, to his direction, because I think sometimes we, we kind of compartmentalize and we're like, we're going to go to church and we're going to worship. And then we just go about our day. And it's just a mindset. It's not a matter of if that God can use us, it's a matter of, you know, are we asking and are we open?

And, and really, are we just intentionally thinking about that? Like she, in the ambulance, it's like, I'm going to pray over these patients, you know, and that's, that's being the hands and feet of Jesus. It's no matter where you are. What you're doing. It's being the hands and feet of Jesus and, and being that conduit for his anointing to come through us and, and to his, his hurting people.

Yeah. And I know like with us when we are at like an airport or we're at a restaurant, we make sure. That they know every waitress or waiter or whatever, that they know the love of God. It's like we try blessing them, whether it's just just talking to them, whether it's blessing them with whatever, whatever God says and just seeing their smiles on their faces when they hear like, God bless you.

Or, you know, anything. It is so, you can be a blessing to so many people. You could turn somebody's, I don't care if they're a waitress or a waiter and they look like they're in a bad mood and they're not treating you good. Maybe because there's something seriously wrong with them and they just need to see the love of God that day that can totally change their life around.

We can change somebody's life and make an impact by a smile, by saying God bless you, by giving them an encouragement, but even though they're being rude to you, be nice to them and show them love. Everything love destroys hate. And if we just knew and stop the division, stop the infighting and you know, all this stuff, if we just realize.

That we can make such an impact in everybody's life, no matter who you come in contact with an Uber driver, maybe no matter what it is, you can show God to anyone. And that's what we are. We are vessels of almighty God. Yeah. And I believe Julie, what you're saying is so powerful because as we're being used, as we're being anointed, it's like this ripple effect.

Like you're, you're, you're spreading the love of Jesus. You're spreading truth. And then folks will take that and spread that to others. It has this. And I believe that that's what it's all about is all of us standing for truth, all of us speaking truth, but it comes down to our relationship with Jesus Christ and, and, and hearing from the Holy spirit and being led of him, whether it's ministry related, whether it's standing for truth.

I mean, some of you asked about ideas, things that people could do. I mean, folks could volunteer. You know, if you, if you retired, if you're a grandma, if you're, you know, in that mode where you have a little bit extra time, you could volunteer to be a poll watcher, you know, you could be in a pre precinct and you could help out and that way in addition to praying, I mean, you could you know, be a part of your child's school.

You could go volunteer in the school and, and see, you know, what's going on there and just have some eyes and ears available there too. So there are lots of things that. That we can do if we just pray and quiet our hearts and ask the Holy spirit to show the love of Christ and also to stand for truth, to help save our country.

You know, I think that, I think one of the biggest lies there is, is that, you know, we're just, we're nobody. You know, I'm just somebody who just clean houses or somebody who's like you said, a teacher, somebody who is a nurse, I mean, who is, they just think that that's who they are. Well, that's what you do for a living, but that's not who you are.

You are a child of God and you're not alone and your voice needs to be heard and you can make a difference. And so if we just realize if we, no matter where we are in a day, no matter what we're doing for our job. Okay, if we just realize the enemy is a liar He tries to divide the body of christ so that we are not coming together because if we come together in the body of christ We can do more damage.

We are a massive massive giant That the enemy cannot contain and so if we realize that we're not alone There is I mean just just like us right next door or right, you know our neighbor or a friend or whatever We're not alone. We have almighty god on the inside of us everywhere We go and everything that we do and so everybody can make a change if we all stood up at one time The body of christ got aligned with the head All set up at the same time and sort of praising and worshiping god you watch damage that would do the enemy's camp They would want to scatter they'd be petrified What does the enemy do they have us distract the seed distract destroy?

They have us all divided the seed distract destroy divide why they have their ground game How do you think that they did what they did to our country what they've done to the body of christ? What they've done in our politics because We weren't unified. And so we need to unify and realize that God can use us all.

And it's like, I love how you say mom's on a mission. I love that we should all have a mission. The word of God. That's right. That's right. You know, and that, that is so powerful because I think the devil, he is a liar. He's the father of lies when he lies, he's speaking his native tongue. And the, the fact of the matter is we all have to remember that this is a spiritual world.

Battle ephesians 6 12 says that we don't fight against flesh and blood we fight against principalities and that that that is the key Here is to know that we are in a spiritual battle and to fight And to win you have to know who your enemy is And to be thinking that it's flesh and blood when really the root of it is the devil and we have to bind him In the name of jesus and cast him out and walk in our rightful authority in these situations and as it relates to education, you know, that was one of the You The, the most important things that helped, you know, start this podcast.

And I was reading this book called battle for the American mind by Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin, and it talks about this spiritual battle to remove God from our schools, which in turn, What was hoping to remove him from our country, because once you capture the heart and minds of the children, you capture the heart and mind of the country.

And so you, you, in Proverbs 22, six, it says, train up a child in a way he should go when he's old, he won't depart from it. Well, even the devil knows that. I mean, even the devil knows the word of God and knows the power of the word of God. And that is what happened. I mean, back in the day, over a hundred years ago, our kids were taught at home.

And in church. And so the most important thing was to get them out of the home and church and get them into a public school setting where slowly, slowly they could start indoctrinating, pulling the Bible out, pulling God out of schools. And this is something that I learned in that book that was just so illuminating and alarming to me was that back in 1925, so almost a hundred years ago, 99 years ago, Oregon passed a law that banned private Christian education.

It actually passed now before it was implemented. The Supreme court overturned that, but make no mistake, this is a spiritual battle. It's been going on in our country to capture the hearts and minds of our children. So that America could be destroyed. So this spiritual battle has been going on for a long, long time.

And I, you know, I just recently kind of woke up to this as I started educating myself and awakening to the truth and then, you know, becoming active after that, but I thought, wow, Lord, this has been going on for a long time. I mean, the devil's been trying to destroy our country for years. And so that's what really astounded me and really encouraged me to want to, you know, expand the word even more and to see.

Speak the word even more and to go to these city council meetings and school board meetings and, and, you know, trying to, to join these grassroots efforts like moms for liberty or, you know, we have a local group here in Tulsa called a women for Tulsa and really just trying to give tithe, kind of tithe some of my time to the Lord to allow him to, you know, help me become educated and active and spread the truth.

But I thought a hundred years this has been going on, that is so alarming to me. Yeah. So, one of the things that we were watching a movie called Woodlawn, W O O D and then L A W N. It was the true story that happened in Birmingham, Alabama back in the 1970s. It was, you know, during segregation and things like that.

And they were trying to segregate these schools. And I realized when I was sitting there and I was, I was watching this movie and I was like in tears. First of all, I still cannot believe there's ever segregation in a free country. It blew my mind, like, how can there have been this going on in a free country?

How in this, that time was during the Jesus revolution and how this one pastor, he changed an entire, the entire city, really. But how the education system got in there and was threatening to fire this coach for letting this other person come in to completely bring the entire football team into the salvation.

This is a true story. Wow. And I'm sort of thinking this is back in 1973 and 1974. And I'm like, and I've watched the movie several times and I cry every time, but I'm like, Lord. We weren't a freak. We were under the illusion that we were under, we were in a free country. We were under the illusion that our government was working with us, not against us.

We were under the illusion that we could do all these things that our forefathers, Met in our constitution and our declaration of independence for us to have and also with these kids in our education system How long has it been since it took your prayers out of schools? Majority of schools nowadays don't even say the pledge of allegiance Why because it says one nation under god and that's not true Offensive.

There's so many things have been going on and that's why God is saying, Hey, there are certain things that had to be allowed in order for my people to stand up since 2020 people say that was the worst time I'm saying like, dude, it might've been worse time for a lot of people. But that woke up some of the church that that woke up me to be like, okay, instead of just being an associate pastor for my dad, I have got to get in and do something.

I just got to get into something. It started. You started a podcast, all these people that we are connected with because the reawaken America tour. All the things we are connected with, I mean, it is so profound. We were all by ourselves doing our own things, doing our jobs, doing this or that, and God's like, uh uh.

I want you as a family, and I want you to come home. I want you to come together. And so the enemy meant to completely destroy us as a nation, us as the body of Christ. Us as individuals, God is saying, in that time where Satan meant for harm, I am turning into something good. And look at now, we're all on a mission doing something to further the kingdom of God and take back what should have already been ours now.

That's right. Yeah. And, and I want to say that there is so much power in that. And there's so much hope and encouragement when you actually are doing something to advance the gospel to advance the kingdom, to advance the truth. It's so empowering. And it's so encouraging. I remember in 21 21. I, I work out with a trainer we've known him for years and, and he is a fellow Patriot as well.

And I said, Ryan, I just want to do something. I don't know what to do, but I have this in me of like, I want to do something to help save our country. And he said, I know, don't you want to just like make a sign and go stand on a street corner and just like, you know, you just want to go do something and we just couldn't figure out what to do, you know, I'm like, well, I don't know if I want to do that exactly, but I just remember this feeling.

And then once, you know, the Holy Spirit said, start this podcast. And once I started getting involved and joining this, these grassroots organizations, you know, you might not see something change immediately, but make no mistake in the spirit realm, things are changing and things are happening. And even inside you, things are happening.

I mean, you think you're doing this to save America and you are, you know, you're doing what you need to do, but I'm telling you what. Something happens inside of you and your relationship with the Lord just grows and you hear his voice, the Holy Spirit's voice even more. And it's just this compounding effect and it brings hope and it brings encouragement as you listen to the Holy Spirit and obey.

And it's really. Yeah. A gift this, this time that we're in. I know when I interviewed Laura Trump, Julie, she said the same exact thing that you said, she said, 2020 is actually a gift because exposed the darkness and the evil that, that we were asleep to. We just didn't know what we didn't know. And if that would not have happened, she really believes God allowed that to happen so that the darkness could be revealed.

Praise the Lord. I'm glad she does because it's true. It is true. And I wanted to tell you this. I wanted to show them, this is my Bible. It's called the Founder's Bible. I don't know if you've seen this, Julie, but it's written by wall builders, Tim and David Barton started the wall builders. So I'm telling you, I'm going to actually, the Holy Spirit told me this this morning when I was getting ready, it was in the shower.

I don't know why the Holy Spirit speaks to me in the shower, but I hear his voice just like he's standing right next to me. So this morning he told me this. He said, I want you to give one of these away. They're not, they're not inexpensive, but I just ordered one this morning, so it might take a week or so for it to get to my house, but I'm going to mail it to somebody.

So this is what I want to do. If, if folks will follow me on rumble. And screenshot that they follow me and then email me at moms at moms on a mission. net. I'm going to have a drawing and I'm going to give away this amazing Bible. Now, let me tell you what's so great about this Bible. It's NASB. It's a new American standard Bible, but that's the version.

But what is so amazing is that inside this Bible, It has all sorts of historical information. So it has, you know, different founding fathers what they were speaking over our nation. And it has the declaration of independence the bill of rights, the constitution, it has everything in here. And so as you're reading, like just the other day, I was, I was reading and revelation.

So that's where I am reading right now in revelation, which is very timely. And so just in revelation, they had a founding father. And, and so they, they were showing some of the quotes. They talk about the new England. Primer is in here and it is just an amazing Bible. I, I cannot recommend it enough because as you're reading the word of God and learning the truth of the word of God, you're also learning the truth about our constitution and the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge.

Now, you know, we know that. It's speaking about the word of God, but I believe also it applies to our constitution and our rights. I mean, how do you know to stand for something that you don't even know exists? You don't, you don't know. And so I think it's important that we know these truths. We know that our founders, even though they weren't perfect, they were madly in love with Jesus Christ and they put him first and everything that they did and no, it wasn't perfect.

We aren't perfect. We're only Jesus is perfect, but it's just really empowering. To learn these things. And that's part of our mission. Educate, awake, and activate. And so I think part of the education process is not just knowing the word of God and speaking the word of God, but also knowing the foundation of our country and being able to defend it.

So we were asking, cause they love that Bible. Wall builders, you can find it on wall builders that is called the founder's Bible. I love the wall builders. They are amazing and the stuff they know about our country is absolutely phenomenal. You know, we had one of the Tim Barton, I mean, I'm sorry, David Barton, he's kind of a founder.

Tim is his brother. He came to our church about a year and a half ago and he was talking about how a lot of, you know, pastors will say, well, you know, I don't, I don't know that, I don't God wants us to get involved in politics and things like that. And he talked about the black road, road regimen.

And he talked about how one of the pastors, right before he went to war, he talked about, there's a time to live. There's a time to die. And he, and he just was sharing that scripture. And he Literally was inspiring his congregation and then takes off his black robe and he has his military uniform underneath and he, he walks down the aisle and he goes out and he starts enlisting or recruiting men, you know, to go to war.

And I just, I never forgot that because I, I've just heard folks say, you know, Oh, I don't know if I really feel like I want to get involved. I'm just going to pray, which I think that is the most important thing, you know, start with prayer. But again, going back to Hebrews 11. Faith acts faith does the bible says, you know without faith.

It's impossible to please god But but hebrews 11 it says by faith abel did this enoch did this noah did this they walked around You know the walls of jericho for seven days. I mean faith causes you to To act and the Bible says that without faith, it's impossible to please God. So we need to be acting.

And so I, I just love this Bible and I want to give one away today. And I'm just, I just was like, yes, Holy spirit. That's what we're going to do today. So if they follow moms on a mission and screenshot it and then email me at moms at moms on a mission dot net, as soon as I get it, I'll, I'll reach out and email and get your address and mail it to you.

Yes, that's awesome. So again, the, it's so important right now to know that true, the truth, not only in the word of God, which is first and foremost, that's why I tell everybody every day, don't take my word for it. Go to the word of God. And just because if you don't know how God is going to do things, then you can't trust him.

And that's why we, it's so important to get to know the word of God because the word of God is his will. And I love wall builders because they have so much information about our true God. American history, our founding fathers and what this, this country was founded on and for. And so I think wall builders, they are a blessing.

I love them. They're amazing. And something that you said that if we can just hold up a sign, I want to say something in this long three weeks that we were gone, I took three days and I went to a beach in Texas and I saw My CEO and I, Mary Lewis, saw this one man. I knew what he was doing. He was carrying a cross and I'm talking a full, massive, huge cross.

And he had, he was decked out with the shirts and it said, Jesus loves you. Jesus died for you. And when he got up, I was like, God bless you, God bless you, but he literally was carrying this cross on his shoulder. And it said, Jesus loves you and Jesus saves. And it was just so profound and powerful. Cause I'm like, no matter how many, there was a lot of spring breakers.

There was, I mean, we stay away from all those people, but it was a fact of, it was somebody, he didn't know exactly. I don't know what he did for a living. Maybe he was retired, but he made a cross, took that cross. And walked it across the beach Wanting people to know that day. I don't care how many people are thousand I don't know if you were on that beach.

It was a long beach How many people got to see that that day that jesus loved them? They saw that cross They saw well, maybe you know, they didn't accept jesus in their heart that day But maybe when they're in a dire situation They remember that cross. They remember what that cross said. They remember this man named Jesus who loved them.

Maybe they're going to go and look at and find out who he is if they've never heard of him, which would be surprising if people haven't heard about Jesus, but real what he really did on that cross. And so you can do that seriously, but like I said, I've never seen anything like that in person. I was like how Beautiful is that we just kept yelling.

God bless you. God bless you, sir. Thank you. Thank you You know what he was doing. It was that simple thing of getting up in the morning taking that cross and going Okay, God, where do you want me to take it today? Because you don't know how many lives On that beach it saved that day. Yeah, that is powerful.

That is powerful And there's a gentleman here in tulsa who did that, years ago I don't know if it's the same person but I mean he has so many stories about people who came to jesus and that's a perfect example of just You're not even doing a podcast or on youtube or ministry. I mean, you're just Carrying not just but you're carrying a a pretty big cross and what a powerful statement again It's not about us It's about the power of god in us and the anointing That's in us to break the yoke and to set people free and and just to not underestimate the power of god Because when you really know that it's not about you It was about the the anointing of people when they see that cross the anointing of god falling on them I mean that that is so powerful So powerful.

And just, and when you think about just one person, I think I say this all the time on the moms on a mission podcast about the power of one, you know, Julie, I remember when I met you, I remember exactly where I was standing and I just started the podcast and I was like, what have I gotten myself into?

This is unbelievable. And you, I don't know if you remember this, but it was in Miami and you said Miriam. I had 16 followers for one entire year. It's not about that. It's God is working. God will have his way. It's you know, and it was so encouraging to my heart because I think sometimes we can look at ourselves and say, you know, I'm just a grandma, I'm just a stay at home mom, or I'm a working mom and I'm so busy.

I don't have time to To really do anything extra, but see, that is the biggest lie of the enemy because maybe there's something you're already doing and you can just tweak it a little bit. And you think about the power of one, you think about David. He was so tiny. I mean, he was scrawny. The Bible says he was scrawny and he could use a slingshot pretty well, apparently, you know?

And, and you think about Mary, I mean, she was devoted to the Lord, but she was just a young girl. And here she was. Going to carry the savior of the world. And you think about Moses, you think about Joseph. I mean, God gets the glory when he uses just one incompetent, broken, imperfect vessel, because if he used somebody who was accomplished, there might be a little bit of a distraction there, but how awesome that he uses just ordinary, incompetent, just regular average people to, To fulfill his call and so that he can get the glory.

Exactly. And that is about God getting the glory. It's not about, you know, just like, you know, I started with, yeah, 16 and 19 people, I mean, there was just, it was nothing, but it wasn't. Anything that I did to bring any increase. That's right. Or anything you do to bring the increase. It is God that brings the increase is God is the one who gets the glory.

Same thing with this country. Yes. He's going to bring president Trump back, but that's, yeah. I mean, everybody can see that, but it's God bringing him back. That's God's perfect timing and it's God's will. It's his anointing. It's his calling on president Trump's life to do what he is doing. There is no way that anybody.

Could walk the walk that he's had to walk without being called by God because everybody else would have given up by now, you know, take it. Every person means something to God. And just like me, you know, back in 2019, the last time I was thinking about it and really, really considered it suicide was 2020.

I mean, not because of COVID and had nothing to do with it. The COVID was a joke for me. I wasn't thinking it like that. I wasn't afraid of it like that. Me, it was just what was going on in my own body and in my own mind, in my own personal life. It was just me. And just think if I did not obey God, if I just listened to the lie of the enemy, you know, we wouldn't be here today talking.

No. And this ministry would not be going forth because the enemy would have won. The enemy lies and the reason why I say that to so many people and I, and I want to encourage people because so many people think they're not important. And I didn't have a worldwide ministry back then. It was just, you know, me and I was speaking to 19 people online or whatever.

And, and then maybe 20 people in person, there wasn't a lot, but it didn't matter. God, if he trusts you in the few that he can trust you in the many, and no matter what your job is, you are still a child of the most high God that should dictate your life more than your job. And who you are every I don't care if you work at a walmart or if you work at a chick fil a You are important and you can change somebody's life You can say something to somebody that could get them to not commit suicide You could get somebody that just holds on to hope when they don't have any you know We all can do something all we have to do.

I remember sitting in an airport one day. This guy was Washing washing windows And, you know, I was like, okay, you know, didn't really think much of it. And I was just kind of sitting there with my team and stuff like that. And God goes, get up and give him that. And he told me something to give him. And I said, I kind of sat there for a second and he goes, get up and give him this.

I'm like, okay. So I took it out of my purse and I went in and I went in and gave it to him. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't know. But I know he didn't have to say thank you. He didn't have to say anything. I didn't care All I know is I looked at him. I said this is from god and god told me to give this to you and that Right there.

We can be in the middle of atlanta airport because that's where it was And god can use you to bring a smile on anyone's face as long as we have that openness and say, okay guy There's a lot of things In your life that can say I can't do that today You You know, it could be sickness in your body. It could be something going on mentally in your own mind and Satan's just bombarding you There's always an excuse There's always a reason to not obey There's even times where I didn't want to go somewhere.

I didn't feel like going somewhere and god goes get up and go that I'm, like well lord. I don't want to he goes get up and go and then I knew why I knew why I had to get up and go and I saw it Why when I got to that place i'm like I know why the enemy didn't want me to come here You Cause God was making an impact in somebody's life.

So all we have to do is be obedient and be willing to be used by God. And that's one thing I love about moms on a mission because you're helping people, you're teaching people that they are important. And then if they just have a mission in mind and they have a goal in mind, even if it's something small, it doesn't have to be something big.

Something small as a smile and saying, God bless you can change somebody's day around. That's right. And when you think about it, julie, if we all did this, you know, of course, president trump's going to come back. We know that But it's going to take us all to save our country, you know, just him coming back.

It's it's it's Going to take an army. And if you think about if we all do something every day, if we just do one thing every single day, and we think, what can I do, obviously pray and pray for protection over him, pray for restoration in our country, and then pray and ask God, you know, what can I do today?

What can I do today? And then just quiet our heart. I guarantee you the Holy spirit. And that's when you think about God is raising up this remnant. He's raising up an army for us all to play a part. And the Bible talks about the body of Christ and that, you know, we, you might be the, the thumb or the pinky.

You might not be the head, you know, you might not be the mouth. But it takes every single part of the body of Christ to work together to fulfill the call and the mission for our country. And so that's what I want to encourage everybody today is to just do your part. And it might be, you know, obviously I listened to you, Julie, and I get It's so built up and so encouraged and so motivated, inspired to act, you know, speaking the word and then, and then going out and doing something as I'm speaking the word over my situation over the country.

And that's what, if we all can listen to you and if folks listen to me or they listen to somebody else, whoever helps them and inspires them and teaches them and gives them a voice. Truth and then allowing the Holy Spirit to anoint that truth and encourage us to act. I mean, it is so biblical for us to not just believe and pray, but for us to act according to Hebrews 11.

And so that's what I'm all about is trying to inspire action and for folks to become active and involved to help obey and honor God and save our country. You know, and just like what you said, one of the things that the Lord told me to tell people this morning in a prophetic word, it's not an election that's going to save.

It's God and it's God's political reset because election can only do so much. You can only remove so many people and change in the new people. Elections can be defrauded. They can be full of you know, dishonesty and people cheating, but a political reset is made by God. That's right. And so we have to understand that it is God, but we all can every day if we say, Lord, I want to make you a part of my day.

What do you want me to do today? What you do today can change somebody's life forever and for all eternity. If you can show one person Christ today and even then they weren't in the body of Christ before you can change their life for all eternity by bringing them to Christ. It doesn't take somebody on a podcast.

It doesn't. It just takes a willing vessel of almighty God. You say, Lord, you know, I'm going to go clean this person's house today, or I'm going to go to work. I'm going to go to target or Walmart or whatever the big box stores, whatever, whatever store you may work at the mall and say, I thank you somehow, some way I thank you.

I'm going to give me a customer father, God, that I can sit there and I can say something that to Christ to give them to Christ. Leave somebody in my path, Lord, to change their life. I want them to be changed for you. That's the difference. We have our enemies going out there and doing the exact opposite.

They're spewing all this hate, all this horrible, horrible hate, anywhere you go, everywhere, and they're loud about it. Why aren't God's people shouting louder? We have the Lion of the tribe of Judah on the inside of us. It should be easy for us to be louder than our enemy. Our enemy is a pipsqueak and he's a liar and he's a deceiver and he's supposed to be underneath our feet.

So if you got to think once for a minute. If you have something underneath your feet, don't you think if it was a person's head or whatever, they would be muffled. They would not be able to speak clearly because they're under your feet and you're cutting them off. So if they were under our feet and we're shouting out loud, it drowns out the enemy's voice and that's what we need to do.

That's right. And when they're under our feet. We're not looking down. I mean, we're not, they're not such a, a presence in our lives. They're not a focus. You know, our eyes are on our maker, our eyes, we look up to him. And when they're under our feet, that's another thing is our focus and what, what we're looking at and who we're looking at.

And, and I think that is so powerful, Julie, when you think about it, that we need to take our authority and we need to know who we are in Christ and have, you know, the authority of the believer in action and taking our rightful place that God's given us. And one of the things that my CEO says it perfectly, but you know, if like I'm driving and I'm just like, that person cut you off and I, I might say something, she's like, what can love, what can love?

And she's like, remind us. So I'm like, so I remind myself and I, and I'm so much better. This is a long time ago that we joke around with each other every once in a while. You know, if we get kind of like, you know, and they're just like, we have to remind ourselves walking in love. Why? Because we're walking with God.

That's right. And if we're walking in love, then we're going to be at that point where we are paying attention to what God is saying at all times. That's why I like, we, we joke around with each other. We're like driving love, driving love, whoever's driving, you know, we're like in nasty traffic cause we drive all over the place and we're just like driving love or walk in love or whatever it is.

To remind ourselves to put love back in the atmosphere, to put love back in the vehicle, to put love back in that, in that elevator, or to put love back in that event, you know, because you can go to events where God's supposed to be there and then we know about that. We know about that. Yeah. Anyway.

Yeah. So it's important for us to not shy away from those types of things. But to make sure that we have God in the midst of all those things, and now we have God in the midst of it is by walking in love. And Chris, my husband's saying that he says that to me a lot. I'm rolling my eyes. Chris, come on now.

Chris, you're in trouble. You're in so much trouble. Well, you know, and I, I think what's so, you say something that I think is important and that is to hold each other accountable in love. So Chris, I don't know if that was in love, but I'm just thinking, you know, it's so important you talk about. You know, kidding around and saying, walk in love, drive in love, you know, that what, what astounds me with that is that, you know, sometimes when we're alone and Satan has us off by ourselves, you know, that level of not, not only are we missing out on encouragement, but accountability.

And I think that's so important that we are surrounded by like minded believers who will lovingly hold us accountable. Maybe, you know, even in a joking way, but just keep our focus on the main thing. So that we don't so easily get distracted and get led off, you know, into a, just not a godly path. And so I love that your team does that and you can do it and fun, but keeping the focus on walking in love.

And other things we all know words are important because another thing, like say for instance, you hear somebody saying something negative about themselves. You know, I, there was times where I was saying certain things about my body. I didn't realize it because it was just so natural, you know, and they catch me.

I'm like, Oh yeah, I don't, I don't really mean that. I asked for a crop failure, Lord on that. And then I'll speak to say that, you know, the opposite of what I just had said. And it's like, it's important for you to do that. Because it's important on the knowing the power of words. So if you have like, like I'll tell my husband, if yes, I'm saying this, Christopher Green, and he said something wrong, I'm like, no, no, no, don't say that.

You know, I, I'm not going to be in agreement with that. We're going to be in agreement because one could put 1000 fight with two can put 10. So if we want this part of our lives to change that we need to say what God needs us to say about that certain thing. And so he does the same thing to me. Yes, I, he corrects me sometimes.

I can imagine that. I know I can be corrected. So anyway, and he'll correct me or I'll correct my kids or I'll correct the team member and be like, no, don't say that. You just say, you say what God needs you to say, because if we're saying everything that's negative or I think it's wrong or how we Everyone loves to say how they're feeling, right?

I'm just gonna do shout out to everybody watching. Stop saying how you feel. Okay, start saying what you want Stop saying what you feel start saying what you want Because if we start saying what we want, we start saying what God is saying, then guess what? That changes our atmosphere and that will change the way we feel because God will change our bodies and how they function.

So instead of saying, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick. Start saying in the name of Jesus, I'm healed. I'm healed in Jesus name. I'm strong. I have energy today or whatever it is that you may need or I'm pain free Even though your body's screaming pain pain has to go Flow in Jesus name. That's right. It's all that's the mission.

We should be on also correcting what we're saying And then trying to find somebody that we can help any day. I don't care if you're at, you know, going to get your hair done or if you're going to get a manicure or pedicure or whatever speak to where I remember sitting in getting a pedicure and I was in there talking to this this worker and I was like, and I know her and I love her.

She's so sweet, but she's never heard the word of God. She was a Buddhist. Ooh. And she asked me what I did for 11 and I said, ministry. And every once in a while, I just give her these teaspoons of God's love and God's encouragement. And I just see her just start smiling because it's about Christ. And I didn't give it to her all at once.

And I didn't say, you know, I'll bang overhead. So I being a Buddhist, you know, no, no, no. I was loving on her and showing her Christ. And I'm like, Lord, and I say her name. I'm like, Lord, I proclaim her into the kingdom of God. I don't care if it's, if it's, if not even me, who does it. I just want her into the kingdom of god.

You know what I mean? That's all you have to do Yeah, but see it takes you know, and this is what I love about you Is that you are so inspiring to really get our eyes off ourselves and speak the word of god And and to live our lives with intention, you know that that means you're going you're going You're not going just to get your nails done.

You're not just waiting in line for your groceries. You're not just in a drive through. You are living with intentionality and with the love of Jesus Christ. And you're on a mission to seek the truth and speak the truth and allow the anointing to flow through us. And I know for me, when I pray in the morning and I specifically say when I, when I'm in prayer in the morning, when I say, Lord, please give me an opportunity to minister to somebody.

I mean, literally I prayed that one time before I went on a run and there was a homeless person, a lady and I, I, you know, I, I stayed back a little bit or whatever, but I, I believe that as you pray, God is so faithful because you're literally praying the will of God. Then you're asking God to allow you to be a vessel and allow you to share his anointing and his presence with people.

And God is so faithful when you just have that intentionality and you ask the Lord and you're looking, you know, you're on a mission, you will find what you're looking for. God will put somebody in your path, just like that person at the airport, you know, and just being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Spirit. I know sometimes as moms and you know, you, you travel a lot, you have your awesome three boys and you know, you're juggling a lot and I think it is logical and understandable that we just get so distracted rightfully so, you know, we understand that, but if we just pause and we just ask God in the craziness and the busyness and travel and going to work every day, you know, you might be a single mom and you're like, I don't have time to do one more thing.

I'm just surviving at this point, but just asking God. He is so faithful and, and, and what a wonderful feeling to, to feel like God used you today. He chose to use you in your pain, in your grief, in your feeling of incompetence. And he chose to use you to bless somebody. I mean, what an amazing feeling.

And it really provides so much hope and encouragement because it gets your eyes off your own circumstances in your own situation. And you're able to see. Speak and bless somebody else. And then as you do that, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. That's exactly what I was going to say.

If there's a lot of times, especially when I, and I'm going to be honest, because I'm not a perfect person and I'm not always joyful and happy and you know, everything that's not always going right. I mean, I'm a type person that have had a lot of things go wrong, you know, especially in my body and things like that.

And so it's easy to be distracted. It's easy to be discouraged. It's easy, easy to be like, I just can't today. You know, I can't today. I just can't do this today. And it's like, but God, and that's what, if we would, if we just start taking our our mindset off of ourself and everything that's going wrong. And that's what I said, you're on that mission.

If you're focusing on something else, okay. Okay, I'm gonna go to the store today. And I'm going to give somebody the love of Christ. I'm going to watch and people say, well, I'm not bold enough to do that. Oh God, trust me, he will give you the boldness to say something because I was not that person either.

And there's been so many different situations and circumstances, even like at a restaurant and this waitress is a waiter. Waitresses are not nice to you. And you're just like, they're going to get a bad tip. It's like I hear something in my spirit. God going, No, they're not. I'm just like. You're actually going to get a really big tip.

Nuh and he's like, huh. And I'm like, okay. You win. No, you never win when it comes to God, you just got to give it, but anyway, you're doing that and you're realizing, you know what, maybe they're in a bad mood because maybe they were beat today. Mentally, maybe their child had gotten injured. Maybe they're in a, you know, maybe they're in a hospital or maybe their child is, you know, changing and they're transit transitioning and, and maybe that their, their husband was speaking down to them or maybe he just left them or had an affair or, you know what I mean?

Or the wife or the husband, you know, you might have a waiter and he's not nice to you. Maybe his wife just cheated on him or whatever. You don't know people's pains. All the time you ever see is somebody just being angry. The Lord, I've actually have him help me with that, because there's a lot of times you're just like, well, that person's rude.

You know, like, you know, whatever. And you just try to get that little snotty, defensiveness, little like going on, you know? And God just like, so I've asked him to correct me loudly and speedily, and he does. And there's times where he has to be a little bit louder than other times. But you know, I try to do the best that I can for him.

And again, we have to look through the eyes of Christ to see anyone because there are people that I want to roll my eyes at sometimes. For sure. Yes. You're like, Oh, this is a righteous indignation, you know, and you're like, no, it's the devil. Let's be honest. First, I'm just like, when you, when you sit there and you see, it's like the Biden say something on TV, you're just like walking, love, love, love.

I know he's yelling at us right now, but we're going to, that's a tough one. I, I could let a driver cut me off all day long, pull out in front of me and go 10 miles an hour when it's 40, that could happen to me all day long. But listening to somebody yelling at me and lying, I just, you know, oh my goodness, that, that is where the rubber meets the road.

You can see, am I walking in the spirit or am I walking in the flesh? That was hard to listen to. I'm just going to be honest. I didn't listen. I will tell you a lot of politicians, it is hard to walk in love with because you see what they're doing. But that's when God comes in. That's right. Because when God comes in and he tells us in Ephesians 6, 12 that we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rules of the darkness of this world.

You may have people in your own life. I was just telling somebody at a church service. and, and they were having a situation with a family with her family. And I said, listen, it's not that person. It's what's behind that person that's driving them to do what they're doing to you. And so if you are dealing with that thing behind that person, then it's easier to walk in love

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