Here Comes the Sun! | Alirien Crafts a Wreath for Beltane

9 months ago

Hey, y'all! I hope you all had a wonderful Beltane celebration!
Passage to other Realms:
Beltane (also spelled Bealtaine or called May Day) is an old European festival celebrated in many places and cultures. The name "Bealtaine" comes from the Gaelic for "May."
Beltane is a celebration of life, love, light, and fire that marks halfway between the Vernal Equinox (Spring) and the Summer Solstice. Many mark it as the beginning of Summer, as the Solstice to come is often called Midsummer. The holiday also celebrates the returning light and warmth of the sun as it continues to spend more time in the sky each day.
There are many sources available for Beltane correspondences, including a book from LLewellyn Publications. I used a list from Flying the Hedge:
The beverage I refer to that I made for last year's celebration is May Wine (also called Maitrank, Maiwein, Maibowle, and Waldmeisterbowle), a traditional German drink for this time of year that primarily involves white wine, woodruff (a European ground cover flowering herb), strawberries, and citrus, such as lemon. Woodruff can be difficult to find in the US due to FDA rulings, but you can find syrups meant for alcoholic use, so check any liquor stores for your best chances. If you can't find woodruff, which I didn't last year, I've seen its flavor described as an "earthy, herbal vanilla," so consider vanilla as a substitute. Here's one article with more information on May Wine:
I, of course, recommend doing more research than just reading a single source on all things spiritual and pagan, as practices naturally vary from person to person and place to place.
Happiest Beltane, loves, and I'll see you soon with tarot readings!

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