10 months ago

I bought a EMF canopy using Swiss Shield Naturall Ultra fabric. This is the only fabric they offer that's externally conductive in their product line. I wanted to have the option to lower electric fields and high & low frequencies. With a price tag of $1800 for the canopy and ground sheet , I expected more. The quality of the fabric is well made and very dense. So air flow is not the best. With the heat these canopies make called the thermal heating effect, you need airflow. You need fans and A.C. in the summer to sleep in this thick woven canopy. For the money I spent and it doesn't block a flip phone signal I'm mad. Now I don't use phones in the room or in any canopy but on the outside today for a test only. So we will see tonight when the radiation from the towers are higher and I'll make a meter report with better lighting. The specs of this brand blocks 600 MHz to 40 GHz. At 10 GHz it should block 99% of wireless. At 40 GHz 93%. So are they using millimeter waves in my area? I will look at and other sites before making a decision with more test and triple checking that no gaps are open to give them the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope I'm wrong...

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