Greg Reese. Choose LOVE

10 months ago

The upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th has the potential to set off a WILD series of events! 🤯🤯🤯⚠️⚠️⚠️🚨🚨🚨

The amount of “coincidences” surrounding this event are STAGGERING.

- Hebrew letters “Aleph & Tav” are made over the US.

- National Guard is being called in MULTIPLE states.

- STATE OF EMERGENCY proclamations have been made in multiple counties in the following states: Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky to name a few.

- CERN is going to fire up the Hadron collider the SAME day, smash atoms together and attempt to search for “invisible matter that controls our universe”

- NASA is firing 3 rockets into the Eclipse named after the Egyptian Serpent God “Apep” in a symbolic gesture of “devouring Ra, the Sun god” & after 3 minutes of darkness, the “new sun” will be symbolic of “King of the Golden Age” Horus (Inevitable Antichrist)

- Israel is getting ready to sacrifice a red heifer in preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Temple.



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