Middle men, pet rats & yard dogs, OUT!!!

8 months ago

i'm done with losers who can't spend $5 without written permission or they're too full of hate and jealousy and envy to do what's right. you're all fired from my life forever. Beasts of the field. May the Living God of Israel judge you for the harm you have caused me and anyone i love.

the richest people are now in crypto. pick your projects and the people you wanna work with. you don't like me that's fine, i'll go about my business and just invest the best i can like the other 8 billion idiots.

but if you see value in anything i do then no more soon, no more lame, lying foot soldiers, we talk like men and i'll do my best given my unfortunate condition.

do as you will, i'm not hiding from anyone.

no more lies, results and fixing the impossible is what i expect. Or God help me i'll just do the best i can on my own.

justice, fairness and merit. you don't believe in that we have nothing in common. You're not a zionist then you don't know anything about God.

best of luck to all. Living God of Israel bless, even if you don't believe.


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