4. How Could You...

11 months ago

So, I’m still at the Dream Center in Los Angeles, volunteering as an electrician. I had only been saved for about seven months and was doing really good in dealing with situations WITHOUT the violence.
I used to have a terrible temper…
On this particular day, by the lunch hour that afternoon, I had totally lost it with this one guy. He was behaving in a way which had made it close to impossible for me to work with him.
PATIENCE!!! I kept telling myself.
By the end of the day I was ready to get the heck out of there. Just leave!
I had allowed him to get under my skin and I was totally frustrated.
I used to tell people that I only had ONE button so, for them to please NOT push it…
Well, that day this guy had pushed it several times!
So when the work shift was over I went straight to my room, locked myself in there, and I began to pray.
I was so mad, angry and frustrated. I really needed for God to help me because all that I wanted to do was pounce on that guys face.
Well, almost as soon as I jumped onto the bed and began to pray, I felt God interrupt my tantrum and say to me, “Write it down.”
“What!? You want me to write my prayer down?” I said.
So I immediately grabbed my pen and notebook and, with tears in my eyes, I began to write.
As I sat there and allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to my broken soul, this song is what poured out of my heart that day.

Afterwards, I sat there for a few minutes and I wondered why I had allowed myself to lose it with this guy the way that I had done. I knew the reason why he was acting the way that he was. So I sat there and asked God to please forgive me for the sins that I had committed in my imagination, and then I went on to thank God for yet another beautiful gift: this song.

While I pray that these words bring HEALING to your soul, bring HEALTH to your body as well...
When God put it in my heart to actually record the music that He’d given me, He simultaneously impressed these words into my heart:
They’re from the latter part of Matthew 10:8, where He says;
"Freely you have received, freely give."
So I freely share this music with everyone.

IF, however, you wish to contribute; one way you can support what I am doing, AND even your own health and well-being can be done by using products that I personally use, which are:

For your General Health and Wellness – try the X39 patches:

Thank you…

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