Law, Liberty, and the Leading of the Spirit | Galatians 4:21

10 months ago

Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law? — Galatians 4:21

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Why The Law?
Laws are crucial. They safeguard and guide individuals and communities. Without laws, chaos would reign, and conflicts would escalate. They provide a necessary structure for life. However, laws can also be misused to enforce conformity, leading to excessive regulation and the stifling of freedoms. The challenge of governance lies in finding the right balance between too few and too many laws.

At some point, it is tempting for those who govern to become intoxicated with power by legislation. When they don't get the behaviors they want, they legislate behavior, which is precisely what happened in Scotland overnight. Formerly a country known for its savage and merciless defense against harsh conditions and hostile enemies now has made hate speech a criminal offense that could land someone in prison for up to seven years.

Leveraging The Law
This was the situation in Galatia. New converts were being persuaded by Jewish Christians that their faith in Jesus was insufficient. They were told they needed to follow additional rites and rituals from the Mosaic Law to be in good standing with God. This was a legal overstep, a power move by religious leaders.

You see, laws are good guides until they encounter two critical challenges: they are ignored by adherents or leveraged by authorities.

The ultimate reason for the religious law was to point out the sinful nature of our selfish desires. The law, given by God, was supposed to stir us to examine our motivations and actions. It should redirect us toward good and godly guidance from God's Word and be led by the Spirit. Believers who do this have no need for the law. This is not an endorsement of lawlessness but the joy of freedom. Freedom in faith to be led by the power of God's Spirit. Those who the Spirit leads do not need the law because their sin was justified not by the law but by faith. In addition, they are indwelled by a daily guide—the Holy Spirit.

This is the joy of being a believer. We are not regulated by the former law and oppressed by it. Instead, we live under the law of grace, as evidenced by how we are sealed and led by the Holy Spirit.

Live Free From The Law
Given this, how is the Spirit directing your steps today? Are you aware of his presence? Are you listening to him? Are you letting him have total control of your motivations and desires?

Here's my prayer for you today as you reflect on these questions:

Spirit of the Living God, direct my steps today. Convict me of any selfishness and sin. Direct me to your holiness. Make your desires my desires. Amen.

#LawAndGrace #FreedomInFaith #SpiritLedLife #GalatiansInsights #GraceOverLegalism


How does your understanding of the law impact your daily decisions and interactions with others?
In what ways can you actively seek to live in the freedom and grace offered through Jesus Christ rather than being bound by legalistic tendencies or expectations?
DO THIS: Invite the Spirit to lead you to freedom.

PRAY THIS: Spirit of the Living God, direct my steps today. Convict me of any selfishness and sin. Direct me to your holiness. Make your desires my desires. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Spirit of the Living God.

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