Health Benefits of Cantaloupe melon

10 months ago

How to choose cantaloupe
Cantaloupes are available year-round, but this melon shines during the summer when it’s at its freshest and sweetest.

When choosing a ripe cantaloupe, look for one that’s symmetrical and feels slightly heavy. The color should be a creamy, light yellow-orange with little to no green. Ripe cantaloupe should smell sweet and a little musky.

For the freshest taste, use cantaloupe within 3 days of purchase.

Ways to use cantaloupe
Cantaloupes are delicious on their own or in fruit salad, but there are other surprising ways to use them. Here are a few examples:

Cantaloupe smoothie. This nutritious drink is made from cantaloupe, Greek yogurt, and natural sweetener. It makes a great breakfast or snack.
Cantaloupe salad. Combining cantaloupe with basil, mozzarella, onions, red wine vinegar, and olives gives it a savory kick.
Cantaloupe sorbet. You only need four ingredients to make this frosty treat: cantaloupe, lemon, honey, and water.
Roasted cantaloupe. Most people wouldn’t dream of roasting cantaloupe, but it brings out the melon’s natural sweetness.

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