Lead By Example | Be a Godly Husband and Father

10 months ago

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Men, if we’re called to be a godly husband and father, then it’s critical to know what that even means. We’re going to spend time trying to put some framework around it. We’ve talked before about how blended families are outside God’s original plan for the family and how that adds additional odds against you, but this discussion involves all men trying to step into the role God has for you in your home.

First and foremost, a godly leader of the household must have a solid relationship with God. How can you emulate God in your home if you are far from Him yourself. Not only that, but it’s such a difficult calling that I believe you can’t succeed without the help of Holy Spirit.

Next, you have to love and honor your wife. This sounds obvious but it isn’t nearly as easy as it initially seems. God tells us that we are to love our wives as Christ loves the church. Now it doesn’t sound so simple, right? That’s a deep love that will require intentionality. On top of that, when your kids see you loving your wife the right way, it will teach your boys how to treat their wives one day and it will teach your girls what they should be looking for in a husband down the road. Also, if you’re in a blended family situation, by loving and honoring your wife, you are setting new precedence for your kids and God can use that to break generational struggles in the area of marriage.

Finally, you need to lead your family with consistent selfless service. Jesus was the best example of servant leadership that we’ve ever seen. The way he interacted with everyone he met throughout his journey showed compassion that drew people to Him. In all your interactions you have with your family try to instill that same compassion.

Now, are you going to hit home runs with this right away? Probably not but taking little steps to better fill the role God is empowering you to take will impact your wife and kids more than everything in this life outside of God Himself.

Know God and Know Your Purpose. Free resources for Christian men, https://menofiron.org/

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