Your Health has 17 Enemies (Part 1)

6 months ago

Health - that's a lifelong decathlon, says Norbert Heuser. Modern life is pleasant and full of seductions, but also full of dependencies, that we can hardly do without. However, many of them are anything but beneficial for our health.

Yes, we're living longer, he says, but actually we're just staying alive longer. Too many multimorbid people have been living in nursing homes for the last ten years, which one does not want to call "life". Ninety years and more in good health - yes! But how do you do that? Well, you just have to know what is important. You have to know the enemy in order to avoid or fight him. The biggest enemy is chronic stress.

Stress in itself is not a bad thing. It is a strategy developed by nature to catapult all the body's abilities from zero to 200% in one second in a moment of danger: fight or flee from the saber-toothed tiger? Many bodily functions are immediately brought to peak performance, while others are completely shut down in order to survive the situation. But that demands everything from our body. In the "old days", in our life in nature, that was fine. Once you have survived the danger, it is over, relief spreads, the body relaxes and repairs itself quickly. If you didn't get over it, it was over too, albeit for good.

Today, most of us live with diffuse constant stress and we are not built for that. The stress reactions leave no time for repair and recovery. Our body and our psyche are worn out and no longer regenerate. This is the reason and the gateway to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, constant headaches, dizziness and much more.

In addition, there are the influences of the modern world. Everywhere we go there are electromagnetic fields: microwaves, WiFi, cell phones, GPS, smart meters, electrical appliances, smartphones, etc. They all emit frequencies that penetrate us just as they penetrate the walls of houses. The continuous bombardment of radiation is not without consequences.

Bad water is another enemy of your health. The tap water has been pushed through all kinds of equipment, plastic pipes and metal pipes. It may be clean, but it can no longer be compared to natural spring water. Its structure was shredded and damaged. It often comes from groundwater that is contaminated with sewage and chemicals from the fields (herbicides, pesticides) or from sewage treatment plants that contain drug residues that are not broken down in the sewage treatment plants.

Not even the air is clean anymore, especially not in the city. It's not just the exhaust fumes from the cars, but also from the factories, the heaters, the herbicides that are sprayed on the green spaces...

We need light and air and sunshine, but most people lack sunlight too. Who can afford to be outside a lot during the day? Without sun, we not only slip into a vitamin D deficiency. We need sunlight and the different light temperatures of sunlight throughout the day for our inner rhythm and the release of messenger substances and hormones. Blue light signals the pineal gland: It's day, be alert and active! Red afterglow light prepares the pineal gland for the release of the sleep hormone melatonin via the eyes and we become tired and sleepy. But what do we do? We are not outside at midday and get our portion of UV light to be fit and alert and to form vitamin D, but sit in offices with artificial light, the frequencies of which are not good for our retinas. We sit in front of the television or the computer in the evening and draw blue-heavy light into our brain, which completely throws the pineal gland and thus our hormone and messenger substance balance out of the day-night cycle. And wonder about insomnia.

Recognizing the enemies of your health is the first step. I can help you with that. I can give hints and tips on how to avoid them and protect yourself. A lot of things are so easy if you just know it. But then you have to implement it. Nobody can get well for you.

Norbert Heuser explains, informs and gives advice. And he works on solutions for your health and well-being. You want more information from Norbert? Feel free to contact him. The relevant expertise and documentations are published on his websites.

Norbert Heuser
727 - 470 2134

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