Obama "That Man of Sin" and his False Prophet Pope Francis. 2030.

9 months ago

20th January 2009. Obama 1st Term Inauguration Day.
(Masonic ball Washington DC) in his honor.
216th Year of the Whitehouse cornerstone laid 1793 by Freemasons.
Obama turns 48 Years old 4.8.2009.

+ 216 Weeks (216)

= 13th March 2013. Pope Francis revealed/announced at the Vatican.

+ 13 Months (into his Papacy) Revelation 13:18.

= 27th March 2014. Obama and Pope Francis meet 1st time at the Vatican Rome.

Forwarding to the 18th Month of his Papacy. (Rev 13:18)
Obama and Pope Francis meet for the 2nd time at the Whitehouse 23rd September 2015.

20th January 2009 Obama 1st term inauguration.

+ 80 Months 4 Days (84)

= 23rd September 2015. Obama and Pope Francis meet for the 2nd time. The Whitehouse.

20th January 2009 Inauguration Day.

+ 60 Months (6)

= 20th January 2014. Whitehouse announces Obama's trip to the Vatican to meet Pope Francis for the 1st time.

+ 66 Days (666) Revelation 13:18.

= 27th March 2014. Obama and Pope Francis meet at the Vatican Rome.

20th January 2013. Obama's second term inauguration day.

+ 666 Days (Revelation 13:18)

= 17th November 2014. Vatican announces Pope Francis trip to America to visit Obama at the Whitehouse for official 2nd meet. To speak to Congress, and open the 17 Sustainable development Goals 2030 agenda 25th September 2015.

1949 April. Blood Red Moon 1st on Jewish Feast days.

+ 66 Years 6 Months (666)

= Last Blood red Moon on 28th September 2015 on Jewish Feast day.

Genesis signs in the sun and the moon to mark signs, seasons days and years.

Before the Great and Terrible day of the Lord the sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood.

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