S27E39: Introducing the Einasto Supercluster

10 months ago

The Space, Astronomy and Science Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 39
*Introducing the Einasto Supercluster – a new heavyweight contender in the universe
Astronomers studying some of the largest structures in the known universe have discovered one of the most massive superclusters ever seen.
*How humans changed the shape and orbit of an asteroid
A new study has shown that the asteroid moon Dimorphos may have been reshaped after it was hit by a spacecraft.
*Hubble tracks Jupiter’s stormy weather
The giant planet Jupiter, in all its banded glory, has been revisited by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope providing new insights into the king of planet’s ever changing storm fronts
*The Science Report
Global life expectancy dropped by 1.6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The new camera that can see the world as animals see it.
It’s confirmed: Dogs learn and understand what their toys are called.
Skeptics guide to when kids find out the truth about Santa and the easter bunny.

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