Article 4730 Video - How to Think of This Situation - Monday, April 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4730 Video - How to Think of This Situation - Monday, April 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

You are born into a family and are "given" a name, a race, a religion, a bunch of relationships, a nationality, a social status, and a broadly defined identity that you had no part in choosing. Plunk. There you are, two days old, and already labeled and defined.

A few days later, another bunch of people show up and seize upon your new Given Name and use it to create a foreign corporation franchise benefiting their British Territorial Government, to be operated under your name as a U.S. Citizen.

You are maybe two weeks old, and you've been denigrated to the status of a "Human", been saddled with citizenship obligations, and trafficked into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea via an undisclosed (and from your perspective, unconscionable) private contract obligating you to lifetime indentured servitude and peonage.

A bit after that, typically while you are in Grade School, this British Territorial U.S. Citizen is declared legally dead, missing, presumed lost at sea, and "his" Estate Trust is created as your Given Name is trafficked a second time, this time into the jurisdiction of the air.

A Municipal C'estui Que Vie Trust is set up in your NAME and all sorts of derivative trusts and utilities and franchise corporations are created, all bearing what appears to be your NAME--- and, again, you've been denigrated from the status of a Human with Human Rights, to being a Debt Slave, laboring to benefit another governmental services corporation that foists all its debts off onto you.

All your life what appears to be your government, but which is in fact, just a couple government services Subcontractors, tells you to do things that benefit them at your expense, but they do this under color of law, so you do what they tell you to do in total innocence thinking that they are "the" government and you have to do what they say.

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