Freda People - Bring on the Lucie (Lucifer) 2030.

11 months ago

Barack Obama Born 4th August 1961. 216th day of the year. 6x6x6.

+ 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)

+ 2106 Days (216)

= John Lennon's. Bring on the Lucie (Freda people) Freda means peace. (Lucifer)
(Scripture says when they say peace and safety sudden destruction come upon them.) Song: Released 16th November 1973.

Obama born. 4th August 1961. 216th Day of the year 6x6x6 = 216.

+ 2 Months 10 Years 6 Days (216)

= John Lennons Song. Imagine. Released 11th October 1971.

+ 2 Years 1 Month 6 Days (216) 6x6x6 = Rev 13:18.

= Bring on the Lucie (Freda people) Released 16th November 1973.

Obama. Biblical End Of Days statement. 26th April 2015.

+ 21 Weeks 6 Days (216)

= 25th September. Imagine sung. The False Prophet: Pope Francis opens 17 SDG Goals 2030 agenda at the United Nations 70th Year anniversary.
70 Years = (840 Months) Obama born 8.4.

October 1945 United Nations founded + 84 Years = 2030 Agenda.

Get ready for Great Tribulation. 3.5 Years = 42 Months = 1260 Days.

5th 6th 7th seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials. = 17 Events.

Great Tribulation the last 42 Months Rev 13:5 begins at the opening of the 5th seal according to Scripture. Rapture is at the opening of the 6th Seal.
In context Matthew to Revelation.

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