Deconstructing Devduttology - Nityananda Misra Reviews 10 Heads Of Ravana

10 months ago

Well-known author and Sanskrit scholar Shri Nityananda Misra reviews the essay on Devdutt Pattanaik by Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay, author of 'Ten Heads of Ravana.' Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay shows in his excellent analysis of Pattanaik’s work, the protagonist’s major positions—from equating Hindutva to militant Brahmanism, reading bizarre meanings into texts such as Krsna apparently having accepted and endorsed infidelity, to praising the brilliance and simplicity of Aryan Invasion/ Migration Theories despite them being repeatedly discredited with evidence—which, far from being rooted in tradition, are riddled with willful misinterpretations, distortions and divisive narratives. Mukhopadhyay builds a compelling picture of why Pattanaik, far from being considered an authority on Dharma related matters and texts, should be replaced by returning to the numerous accurate commentaries and interpretations from within the tradition which are grounded in pramana sastra.


00:00:00 Highlights
00:00:24 Introduction
00:01:05 Shallow views on Dharma
00:03:09 Dumbing down Dharma
00:04:30 Hindu Myths
00:07:03 Is India a Myth?
00:07:57 Masala Box
00:08:39 Is Buddhism indigenous?
00:11:11 Brahmin-phobia
00:12:30 Passport to distortion
00:14:48 Conclusion

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