Judges 11:12-33, Oct 22, 2023, Conflicts Between Israel and Her Arab Neighbors

5 months ago

In this topical message, Pastor Kevin addresses the now two-week-old war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, stressing the importance of having a biblical view of this conflict. He takes us on a tour of Jewish history from the time of the Exodus to the present day, using biblical, secular, and contemporary sources to demonstrate that, while Jews, Arabs, and other people groups have always lived in this tiny corner of the world, never has there been any sovereign nation except Israel here, named Palestine or otherwise, nor did the Jews “kick out” Arabs that lived here after the formation of the modern state of Israel in May 1948.
Pastor Kevin explains that the existing hatred of the Arab / Muslim peoples towards the Jews is inspired by Satan, just as he has inspired others throughout history to try to exterminate God’s chosen people, the Jews. Pastor Kevin explains that even though the modern state of Israel is living in rejection of God and His laws, God will preserve the Jews for His Name’s sake (Ezekiel 36:22-24). We eagerly await the day when the Jews, as well as many Arabs / Muslims, will turn to Jesus in repentance and faith (Ezekiel 36:25-38) and, until then, must share the gospel of Jesus Christ and truth about Israel with all who will listen. Being on the right side of history means being on God’s side!
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/an-accurate-history-the-roots-of-todays-conflicts-between-israel-and-her-arab-neighbors-judges-1112-33

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