Demonic Interference and True Inner Intuitive Confidence

5 months ago


Welcome to another video with me , Bailey!

Send in your Questions for The Live Q and A on April 11th here on Youtube- Instagram DM's open!

Thoughts on ayahuasca: For me- I have had a past life with it and it was a very long time ago and do not feel the need to work with it again- I have been there and done that. I have also done a video on what happens when we take too many substances and how we blast off into The Astral Realm ( the realm of psychic delusion and distortion) - if you are rooted in your ego and you take too many things it can exonerate delusion and granduer in which one believes they are the next Buddha/ Jesus. While ofcourse, there is a time and.a place for these things- I am a firm believer that everything is in the heart-- in your body! You can connect to to your heart and soul through meaningful hobbies that you enjoy, art, beauty, self expression! Baking! Creating! Finding out your soul likes and dislikes- this does not require you to pay a fortune for a substance :) Trauma clearing can be done with a trained healer - sometimes when we take substances and we have not done basic wound/ trauma clearing sober these things can be exonerated and can create mental disorders and disconnect- especially when the shaman or guide is out for profit- this will taint the entire energetic experience and ANYTHING that comes through that shaman will be of a lower nature- you will then connect into that lower energy through the energetic leader ( people can say anything under the sun to sound spiritual- but if there is an intent for profit at the expense of someone else.... use your discernment and READ the energy!) . Feel free to send in some questions for the Q and A if you have had some experiences!

How To Tell If Someone Has A demonic Attachment:
•Cat and Mouse Games
•Little to no understanding of how their behaviour is affecting you- little to no empathy
•Bruised Ego when they don't get what they want ( and you "uncover" the truth and try to hold them accountable) - goes on the defence to try and cover up feelings of insecurity, guilt and shame that are arising- needs to "lord" over you at all costs- mockery, ect to try and cover up shame
•Continues behaviour long after you have asserted a boundary multiple times
•Tries to confuse you and create distortion in amongst where your going and what you doing
•Purposely creates distortion to get you to "hand over" your power to them so they are in the drivers seat
•Has little to no life confidence or direction in life- constant focus on others OUTSIDE of them
•Not aiming own energies to cultivate healthy life direction
•You begin feeling irrational insecurities that were not previously there about your life path- confusion and lack of clarity
•You either have to be BELOW THEM and they need to pull you down or if you are "above" them they feel threatened- you are always put into "positions" where you cant "win".
•You feel uneasy around their energy and do no trust a word that comes out of their mouth
•High Conflict, mood disorders, nasty streak
•Does not seem to "grasp" that behaviour is anti social
•Has no ability to see "bigger picture" and cannot cultivate long term, sustainable goals
•Demands to take "energetic dominion" of your time, life and energy.
•Apologies but then behaviour does not change
•Sweeps behaviour under rug , like nothing happened and continues behaviour even after you have verbalised its unacceptable- ego delusion.

I would also ask yourself what do you have that this person wants? What do you think that is making them feel insecure and what are they trying to "take" from you?

Videos mentioned:
Divine Masculine Initiations- Traversing Lies and Distortions:

Succubus Manipulation and Control:

Meditation Shop:
Make a donation(thankyou 💕 ) :
To stay up to date with me and my services or book a session ( website coming soon) :

Bailey is a clairvoyant psychic medium and "bridge" to the The Spirit World .
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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