Together’s Aberdeen Public Forum: Bus Gates, Low Emissions Zones, Active Travel & Net Zero

8 months ago

Together’s Aberdeen Public Forum live stream

* Bus Gates, “Low Emission Zones” (LEZs) & “20 Minute Neighbourhoods”
* “Active Travel”
* Net Zero

Who benefits? Who loses? Who decides?

* Democratic agreement – or imposed from above?
* Citizen wellbeing – or income generation?
* Freedom and choice – or enforced restrictions, limits and surveillance?

With LEZs set to be imposed across Scottish cities, join Together in Aberdeen for this timely public debate.

Panel speakers will include:

Dr Stuart Waiton, senior lecturer in sociology and criminology at Abertay University and chair, Scottish Union for Education. Stuart explores key themes associated with the over-regulation of everyday life, modern forms of criminalisation in society, and amoral panics

Graeme Craib – local Aberdeen resident concerned with impacts and eligibility of Bus Gates and Low Emissions Zone; Chartered Engineer

Pam Peters - Edinburgh campaigner against restrictions

Alan Miller – Together Co-Founder

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