11 months ago

>Since COVID, there’s been something just as weird about all those rampaging mobs— 'protestors,' 'migrants' 'shoplifters' & 'terrorists'as there is about 'the virus' and those'wildfires'

Women Across America ARE in Danger Thanks to Open Borders:In Chicago, where only criminals are safe, another young college student was raped by someone who should have never been in America in the first place

Life will never be the same:Business as usual in America is no longer sustainable. No longer acceptable. No longer tolerable. The Uniparty has created a sustained national climate from which a perfect SUPERSTORM will emerge

We Are Just One Step Away From An Apocalyptic War In The Middle East;Unfortunately, most people in the western world have no idea how bad this war in the Middle East is going to become.

Asymmetric Response And The Perp Walk To World War III:Have you ever tried to break out of the orbit of a narcissist?They weaponize your humanity and feed off your guilt.Running behind narcissists as they perp walk us towards World War III saps our energy

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