11 months ago

Really Chosen Ones.

Zionists never had no mental balance My son. Crafted and born in
an atheist reactionary's dream. He too call hisself a Jew. He had the DNA
but aught else. Zero Jew religion. But they claim the benefit in place of those to whom it really belongs. To the Ones who have earned the covenant it will
be granted unto them.
Inn a State called Palestine.
Just like defective leeeeech done on her King.
This crap be over soon.
They are sicker n NAZI's ever dreamed on.
Poluting themselves Our God and My Really Jews.
Nn robbing My really Jews o their True Religion in the face of all
men. This is Blasphemy not an iota more.
Jew is a religion not a state. Especially when so few really Jews live there.
And not many Really Jews seeking to emigrate into the state of Israel?
Ever notice?
Took Us too long.
Nice Trick let Us see how long it last shall We?

Stupid near congenital Morons.
Be like Me in a wheelchair n threaten Mikey
Tyson today?


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