Beautiful Lakes in Arizona

11 months ago

Greetings. This is Ray Hightower speaking to you from the great state of Arizona. And yes, I am wearing the Sun Java t-shirt today. A few people have remarked that they have not seen a Sun or a Java t-shirt in a few decades. So I'm rocking this one. This is from back in the 90s. If you were in that space back then, feel free to put a shout out in the comments and let's have a conversation about that.

Anyway, many of you know how I talk about in the great state of Arizona we have job growth, income growth, and population growth. We also have immense natural beauty of course we have the beauty of the desert and the beauty of lakes like Lake Theodore Roosevelt, right here. This is Ray Hightower. Be well!


Note: ROI Clear is written without spaces: ROIClear.

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