Planned Genocide of Caucasians Ongoing

6 months ago

As most of us in the Freedom Movement already know, the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who long ago bought up control and or ownership of our broken and aching world through their ability to create unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable, fiat [US and EU] currency, are now currently in the process of putting the final pieces together of the one-world, Tecnocratic government that they intend for all of humanity to live under by 2030.
These demons are the same folks who funded and orchestrated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the Maoist revolution in China, and every other Communist revolution in the world over the past 100 plus years. In the process of orchestrating these revolutions, which are aimed at centralizing power in the hands of the few tyrants whom they will ultimately control under a Technocratic system that's more akin to Fascism than Communism, not at implementing Marxism as the useful idiots who serve them so falsely believe, the bankers have learned a great deal about how to successfuly carry out these color of revolutions.
The primary lesson that they learned is that you must find a crack within a target society, so that they can hammer their wedge in that crack, and make that newly widened chasm a tool for seizing power. In Russia, they turned the serfs against the bourgeoisie. In China, they turned the peasantry against the land owners. In fact, no matter where the Communist revolutions were planned by the banking families, the strategy was the same: divide and conquer.
Since their populations were racially homogenous, the banker's divide and conquer strategy concentrated on class struggles in Russia, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, and Cuba. However, here in America, where these bankers destroyed 300 years of racial homogeneity in America by using their bought-and-paid for political assets [in Congress] to open our borders to unprecendented levels of immigration since 1965, thereby causing the racial demographics to shift from a population where 95% of the people who were descendents from the Founding Generation, almost all of whom were Western Europeans, to a population that now consists of less than 60% European-Americans.
So, what the inbred central banking families did here in America was use their control over our nation's media and our educational institutions to teach people of color that Caucasian Americans [who are not Khazarians] (so-called "White" people) were the cause of every problem facing not only within their communities, but civilization itself.
It seems that their plan is working quite well, for Americans like myself whose ancestors founded this nation more than 247 years ago, now find ourselves as the target of giant, Maoist-style Struggle Session from which their seems to be no escape if we don't mount some sort of meaningful counter-revolution to this frontal attack on our besieged society.
Chew on this fact, folks. In 1965, Caucasians made up over 17& of the world's population. Today, Caucaisians make up less than 7% of the world's population. In fact, in both here America and in Europe, where Caucasians are actually the indigenous population, we are projected to become the minority on both of our continents by the year 2050, or even sooner. That is, if current [low] birth rate trends among Caucasians continues unchanged. It seems that Caucasian women who are not of Khazarian descent, no longer have any desire to be fruitful and multiply.
Why do you think all of this happened? Think about. I think you already know the answer, and what it is we must do in order to turn things around.
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