Social Credit Scores Already Here

10 months ago

I know that it looks like one, but What you are witnessing happening in America (and across the Western world) today is not really a Communist revolution that's taking place -- it's a Technocratic revolution--a Leftist revolution which is using time-tested Marxist tactics and strategies in order to conquer our unguarded society, just as Lenin once promised the Left would--"without firing a shot."
More akin to Fascism than Communism, Technocracy is the centralization of all power within a society into the hands of an expert class who will run that society for the sole benefit of their masters--the Khazarians who have long controlled the world's monetary system.
If you want to see what America will look like in about 10 years if we don't turn things around, just look at China, which is the world's first open Technocracy--a proving ground for the type of New World Society that the thirteen central banking families have been openly designing and building for us all to live in for over 100 years now.
The total control that will soon be exercised over the people of our nation will be no different than the way prisoners are currently monitored and controlled in penal institutions. In fact, with the programability of our soon-to-be new currency (CBDCs), our Social Credit Scoring system, our Vaccine Passports, and our World IDs, we may as well be called "prisoners," for that's how we will be soon be living, if we're permitted to live at all.
My advice: just say "NO!" for a change, while you still can.
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