Darkcel Forever | Episode #10: Your Hatred is Justified

10 months ago

Episode 10...

Your hatred is justified just as much as a dog's hatred toward an abusive owner or Jason Voorhees's from the Friday the 13th franchise to the counselors for killing his mother.
Incels are (arguably) the most targeted and harassed group in the world, collectively mocked and treated like putrid bile. In a world that promotes itself as free-loving and caring of marginalized groups.. it seems like it's very skewed and (just bare with me here) very exclusive to very specific "groups". Not saying it's a farce, but if it quacks like a duck, it's probably.. a duck, so.. yes, I'm saying that society is full of shit and your hatred for the cruel punishment from said society is absolutely justified. But, what will you do with this hatred, this anger of yours? Lash out and become what they want you to be or say "fuck it" and actually use that fuel from your negativity and do something with it to progress your life further?
You always have a choice as an individual and the fact of the matter is... there's only two types of people in this world: those that "make it" and those that "fall through the cracks". Which one do you want to be? You decide.

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