First Book, Part 2-22 "AHU245 - Sterotypes in the Movie Aladdin"

10 months ago

This is me reading my first book. The PDF is available at .

Well, that was a fun trip down memory-lane in all sorts of fashions. lol.

Stereotypes are patterns. So what, lol. However, after trying to unpack everything, I think we can finally agree that Aladdin is an amazing movie and that we should stop trying to censor it or put disclaimers on it.

Totally showing to my kids, without qualms about it.

Whole hub-bub chaotic bullshit about "cultural oppression" was absolutely ridiculous, to begin with. But, hey, at least I got to make a decent paper about it and then correct the necessary subversive elements that were placed in here to protect myself despite thinking everything is retarded and to fuck off and leave me alone.

Maybe... It helped not just get the professor onto my side but also help them assimulate into American culture.


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