Battle for IITs Launch at World Book Fair 2023 | New Delhi

10 months ago

Battle for IITs Launch at World Book Fair 2023 | New Delhi with Noted IIT Alumni.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:46 Rajiv's opening remarks
00:06:15 Vijaya's opening remarks
00:08:55 Formal release of the book
00:10:02 Book review 1
00:20:26 Book review 2
00:33:54 Book review 3
00:44:57 Rajiv - IITs must act
00:47:03 Comment 1
00:51:02 Comment 2
00:53:05 Vijaya -Scientific journals' ideological pressure
00:54:52 Rajiv - Social Sciences attacking IITs
00:58:47 Q&A 1
01:00:15 Q&A 2
01:01:06 A - IIT's biggest challenge
01:02:49 B - IItians not into engineering
01:04:35 C - A problem of society
01:05:33 D - What should be done?
01:06:00 E - Values of society
01:07:00 F - Risk-free and quick-buck mentality
01:10:16 Q&A 3 - Engineers too theoretical
01:14:46 Q&A 4 - How we mold engineers
01:18:13 Q&A 5 - (Someone disturbs the event)
01:19:28 Q&A 6 - Foreign universities in India
01:19:55 A - The danger of foreign partnerships
01:23:10 B - China's policies about this issue
01:26:33 C - Alternative solutions
01:28:51 D - We are getting recolonized
01:30:24 E - Examples of other countries
01:32:16 F - Creating a level playing field
01:33:26 G - A policy framework needed
01:35:33 Q&A 7
01:38:46 Closure

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(Published by BluOne Ink-India

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