World Book Fair Launch! Ten heads of Ravana - A Critique of Hinduphobic Scholars | New Delhi

10 months ago

Rajiv Malhotra and , Intellectual kshatriya Anurag Sharma Ten heads of Ravana - A Critique of Hinduphobic Scholars at World Book Fair 2023 New Delhi. Fans and crowd actively interact and ask intriguing questions to the authors

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:02 Indoctrination in universities
00:04:18 Adharmic historiography
00:07:19 Economic lenses of Romila Thapar
00:09:36 Islamic colonialism
00:11:35 Today's Muslims not at fault
00:12:45 Audrey Truschke
00:16:48 Message to the youth
00:18:53 Challenges to raising awareness
00:22:57 On Romila Thapar
00:25:22 On Nation and nationalism
00:26:58 Itihasa and mythology
00:27:45 Sanatana Dharma and Science
00:28:47 On Nehru's views on Nation
00:30:43 Snakes in the Ganga
00:32:41 Contacting Rajiv personally

Snakes in the Ganga -
Varna Jati Caste -
The Battle For IIT's -
Power of future Machines -
10 heads of Ravana -

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