'Scientific Errors' in Quran Refuted.

9 months ago

Timestamps -
00:00 - Introduction
05:40 - #30 Does Adams height of 60 cubits make sense?
16:47 - #29 Richard Dawkins, the Quran and the mixing of the two seas
21:30 - #28 Does the Quran mention sperm and not the eggs?
26:16 - #27 Does arsenal reproduction undermine the Quran?
30:30 - #26 Does the Quran get the embryos bone and flesh formation wrong?
38:30 - #25 Does the Quran get the definition of cattle wrong?
41:02 - #24Does the Quran say sperms comes from between the backbone and the ribs?
48:14 - #23 Does the Quran say the sky is a solid object?
54:22 - #22 Understanding the hadith of dates and poison
01:00:14 - #19 Did the prophet say the Earth sits on the back of a whale?
01:03:20 - #18 Understanding the hadith referring to camel urine as medicine
01:08:47 - #17 Does the Quran refer to geocentric?
01:18 - #16 The Quran, the Bible, roundness of the Earth and the Ostrich egg distortion
01:26:37 - #15 Does the Quran refer to the big bang?
01:40:18 - #14 Does the Quran say the sun sets in a muddy spring?
01:46:31 - #12 Were all the species on Earth put on Noah's Ark?
01:51:34 - #11 Understanding the hadith of the black seed as a cure for all diseases
01:56:28 - #10 Does the hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism?
02:16:52 - #9 Does the Quranic word 'alaqah only mean congealed blood and is it unscientific?
02:24:44 - #6 Does the Quran say the Earth was created before the heaven?
02:34:16 - #5 Explaining the Quranic verse referring to stars pelting devil's.
02:39:28 - #3 Does the Quran say the universe was created in six 24 hour days?
02:44:19 - #2 Does the Quran say the world is flat?
02:51:24 - Conclusion

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