France and Communist China Discuss Trade and Ukraine Ahead of Xi Jinping Visit

9 months ago

04/01/2024 Eruonews: France's Foreign Minister and his CCP counterpart have met for discussions ahead of the CCP leader Xi Jinping's planned visit to France. They discussed trade and the Russia-Ukraine war. France has pressured Beijing to unequivocally support Ukraine. Communist China insists it is a neutral party in the conflict in Ukraine. Both sides also expressed their desire to maintain strong economic relations.
04/01/2024 欧洲新闻台:在中共领导人习近平计划访问法国之前,法国外长和中共外长举行了会谈。两人讨论了贸易和俄乌战争问题。法国向北京施压,要求其明确支持乌克兰。但中共国坚称自己在乌克兰冲突中是中立方。双方还表示希望两国保持稳固的经济关系。

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