Pushpendra: "The Quran, which Muslims consider above the constitution"

10 months ago

#PushpendraKulshresth #Quran #Hindutva
I put this together after watching a video by a commenter and seeing some propaganda being spread by Muslims on this bogus website: https://hindutvaprofiles.com/member/pushpendra-kulshrestha. So big thankyou to the haters website LoL.

What does the Quran say about polytheists?
"Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there forever. They are the worst of ˹all˺ beings."

Indeed, THOSE who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire.
Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.

Narrated `Abdullah:
When the Prophet entered Mecca on the
day of the Conquest, there were 360 idols
around the Ka`ba.
The Prophet started
striking them with a stick he had in his hand
and was saying, "Truth has come and
Falsehood will neither start
nor will it reappear.

Ibn Battuta (1304–1368) was a devout Muslim Berber Moroccan scholar, and explorer who widely traveled the medieval world.Over a period of thirty years, Ibn Battuta visited most of the Islamic world and many non-Muslim lands, including Central Asia, Southeast Asia, India and China.

"Another reason for our halt was fear of the snow, for on the road there is a mountain called Hindu kush, which means "Slayer of Indians," because the slave boys and girls who are brought from India die there in large numbers as a result of the extreme cold and the quantity of snow."

Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325-1354
By Ibn Batuta, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb · 2005

Ibn Battuta (1304–1368) Islamic slave trade and the Hindu Holocaust

Alauddin Khilji boasted that he destroyed 1,000 temples. Aurangzeb destroyed, converted far more Hindu temples then Khilji - Source: Benares, Past and Present 1865

This video was Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uSXZN6TPYI&lc=UgwWz6kv7fXXOya4aZ94AaABAg.A1fvCvPytNlA1fyTrweB-m

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