What RFK Jr. Just Said About Biden Is Bound To Drive Liberals Insane

6 months ago

The Biden White House has its eye on the independent candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They reportedly plan to take him out politically. However, we’ll see how the late attorney general’s son does in his ballot access fight. RFK Jr. is fighting to get on the ballot in over a dozen states, some of which are key battlegrounds for 2024. He picked his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, an attorney, biotech investor, and the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The campaign claims to have enough signatures for the North Carolina ballot.

Third parties have always been seen as annoying thorns in the side of Democrats and Republicans. Bush 41 blamed Ross Perot for torpedoing his 1992 re-election. And now, Joe Biden might see RFK Jr. as a threat in what is projected to be a close election. It’s because of Kennedy’s name recognition that Democrats rightly fear he could siphon off votes, which is the basis for their animus toward him. And now, they can hate him even more for saying that Biden is a greater threat to our country than Donald Trump. CNN baited him, but he turned it around in epic fashion. RFK Jr.’s reasoning was simple: Biden has used state power to censor his political rivals.

RFK Jr says Biden poses a bigger threat than Trump: "Biden is the first president in history that has used federal agencies to censor political speech to censor his opponent. No president has even done that. The greatest threat is not somebody who questions election returns."

RFK Jr. does have a point when he says, “The greatest threat is not somebody who questions election returns.” Will I vote for this guy? No. But I can see him making things very interesting if he gets on the ballot in the states he’s targeting. I also think this will be the last time he’s invited on CNN.

Townhall: What RFK, Jr. Just Said About Biden Is Bound to Drive Liberals Insane

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