03.24.24 "Demonstrate Dominion and Heal All Things"

11 months ago

We are approaching what is called "Holy Week" in the Christian world. ACIM calls it the same thing. "This is Palm Sunday, the celebration of victory and the acceptance of the truth. Let us not spend this holy week brooding on the crucifixion of God's Son, but happily in the celebration of his release." (OrEd.Tx.20.1) On Palm Sunday Jesus rode "triumphantly" into the city of Jerusalem. Actually just how "triumphantly" it was is an argument amongst Biblical scholars. ACIM did say above it was, "a celebration of victory," so that does imply triumph.

What victory is being celebrated? I believe it is the victory over sickness and even death. By this time in Jesus' ministry he had raised multiple people from the dead, and the Lazarus event was a spectacle that many witnessed. The word was definitely out. The great savior who had been long predicted had come at last – the Messiah.

Many expected that Jesus would be crowned a worldly king and sit on a political throne, like the great Jewish King David. When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday many people were celebrating the new King of the Jews. But Jesus was representing a different Kingdom. It is the same Kingdom that we also represent. "Your kingdom is not of this world because it was given you from beyond this world." (OrEd.Tx.3.80)

While in this world, be the representative of another kingdom that lies beyond this world. While being that representative you will have dominion over this world. You will heal and you will be healed. “'There is nothing my holiness cannot do.' The purpose of today's exercises is to begin to instill in you a sense that you have dominion over all things because of what you are." (OrEd.WkBk.38.8) Get ready to demonstrate dominion. Get ready to heal ALL things. Are you ready? Good. Start healing.

Join me on Sunday as we start off Holy Week 2024 with Palm Sunday.

25 min.

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