Open Border Idiots - Nebraska's Top Five in Congress

10 months ago

Nebraska’s Top Five Open Border Idiots in Congress are all trying to get elected again and they are all lying abut their Open Border record. These stupid pathetic and weak losers all blame prez poopy pants for the open border but they keep voting for bills and resolutions that fund the open border and all the illegals' airplane tickets luxury hotel rooms and pre-paid credit cards. So when it’s time to vote in the primaries this year remember that it is these Open Border idiots that are to blame for the open border!

#petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #adriansmith #mikeflood #teamricketts #ricckettsforsenate #cheaptricksricketts #baconforsenate #baconbacker #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #debforsenae #debbiedownerfischer #border #openborder #illegals #nebraska #nebraskaelction #election2024 #terrible #despicable #brainless #losers #foolish #mindless #ignorant #morons #jokes #joke #topfive #nebraskatopfive

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