The BuskMan Report: Special Call In Guest; Ohio Amy Young of The AIM Connection

10 months ago

BuskMan is joined by telephone with the Incomparable Amy "Ohio Amy" Young of The Aim Connection.

Listen in as we discuss her contribution to our American Way as United States Citizens, as well as J6, the 45th POTUS and his current struggles, General Michael Flynn's upcoming movie release, and much more!

Sit back(...but don't get too comfortable as we need to keep Wielding The Sword of God's Word within our own community...) and listen in on two God Fearing Patriots who love their God, their family, and their American Freedom!

...Oh...almost where BuskMan gets pelted by a piece of his "BuskMan Stuff" as it reacted to our conversation!

Its Hilarious!!!

Gonna hafta start wearin' my BuskMotorBike helmet when I do these Reports from now on!...sheesh!

[Disclaimer: No BuskMen were harmed during the filming of this BuskMan Report. Not so sure about The Busk Phone Sign, though. So..there.]

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