US Army's New Super Laser Weapon

10 months ago

The United States New Super Laser Weapon Russia And China Are Shocked. An overview of the newest electronic weapons, with superpowers for very difficult war. A modern-day global war will not be anything like the previous ones. Thanks to the power of technology, we will fight each other differently than we did 80 years ago during World War II. Artificial intelligence, energy weapons, and sophisticated electronics are already being introduced into the military arsenals of the United States, China, and Russia. What is, if any, the balance of power in this regard? The U.S. Army a new laser weapon that is more powerful than existing weapons by nearly three orders of magnitude, but lasts just a fraction as long.

The service posted a notice for the prospective new weapon at the Pentagon’s Small Business Investment Research website, calling the weapon the Tactical Ultrashort Pulsed Laser for Army Platforms. The Army believes it can merely aim the laser at a drone to both damage it and fry its electronic guts. Most military lasers are continuous wave lasers, or those that blast a target with a continuous beam of energy. Continuous wave lasers need that blast because they effectively work like blowtorches, heating the surface of a target—say, a flying drone—until a part melts off, inducing aerodynamic failure and a crash, or the fuel or explosive payload explodes. Sometimes continuous wave lasers, often in the kilowatt class, need to focus on a single point on a target for a few seconds to work properly. In the following we'll discuss the US army's new super Laser Weapon Shocked China & Russia.



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