Walking Texas-Mexico Border: Chiuwauah Rescue -- Southern Baptist LEADERS HAVE BEEN In the FBI & CIA

11 months ago

Sept 2021 -- Tornillo, Texas making it to Bristol, VA -- HIKING on Texas Highway 20 Eastbound towards Van Horn...How you OVERCOME MK ULTRA & be able to CONFRONT EVIL w/The Gospel of Yahushua of Nazareth? Discussing my knowledge from the 1960s of how Southern Baptist MAJOR LEADERS & ELDERS have BEEN IN THESE AGENCIES about as long as they've existed -- noting former Illuminati Wizard John Todd's dealings with Southern Baptists & why would John Todd have disappeared the way he did...

John Todd videos can be found at



We picked up HANNAH Shooting Star in Fabens and TOOK HER ALL THE WAY TO Bristol, Virginia where she found a HOME FULL OF Chiuwauahs!

Hannah the Chihuahua Acquired in Fabens, Texas


Chilhowie, Virginia


US DEBT CLOCK @ $28.97 T soon approaching $29T approaching CALAMITY HATE TO BEAR BAD NEWS but this is where THEIR CODES INCLUDING 29USC666 extending into these CIN STICKS....

Video from 2019 with TOY CHIHUAHUAS prophecy to Evangelical leaders


SBC North Austin Pastor Requires TWO VACCINES & BOOSTER


SO DID HIS BOSS Mark Dever the Duke Blue Devil

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