Putin is ON FIRE! Tells Countries Use Your Own Currencies; Tells the World Jesus is Black

11 months ago

Cash App: $MamaKia13
So much has occurred already in 2024! BRICS and Putin are ON FIRE!
In retaliation against the West and her financial and geopolitical control, the whole world is retaliating. Countries are joining BRICS and using their own currencies; meanwhile, Putin discloses classified information and a tunnel of gold has been revealed. Putin is doing the MOST and we love it!

Central Banks use gold as a dollar defense: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-centr...

Three US Sectors affected by BRICS dumping the US dollar: https://watcher.guru/news/3-u-s-secto...

18 countries apply to join BRICS in 2024: https://watcher.guru/news/18-countrie...

BRICS countries slated to make a major announcement at 2024 Summit: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-count...

BRICS: BlackRock CEO Warns Debt Crisis Could End US Dollar: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-black...

BRICS: US Dollar Weakened 25% Since 2020 Amid Global Shift: https://watcher.guru

650 planes full of gold from the Vatican repatriated back to lawful owners:

• Gold in the Vatican Tunnel Will Be Re...

Follow the gold hidden on the debt clock. Go to the link and click on the "secret window" at the top right hand corner: https://www.usdebtclock.org/

To purchase silver or gold, reach out to our precious metals experts at Miles Franklin Precious Metals investments at 952-929-7006 or email: info@milesfranklin.com. Mention that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you for best prices!

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