Death Rebirth Right Now Energy Vlog

10 months ago

Death Rebirth Right Now Energy Vlog Title is from the date April 1, 2024 thus we have # 13 The Death card with its transformation or transition to rebirth a new life. Right Now card from the Divine Abundance Oracle deck, tells us Stay in the present and don't get to far ahead of the Flow. You'll Soon Trust that nothing more will come than you can handle in each moment

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News sit sowed us three amplitudes today all a power of 8 the strength card the first was at 1:30 AM UTC thus the emperor has to to show strength to retain his empire. the nest power of 8 came at 2:45 AM UTC thus Justice w must be strong and brave to be fari and balanced. The last amplitude power of 8 at 5:00 AM UTC thus the Hierophant has to be strong and brave as he defends himself from pedophilke cover up. The quality power of 11.6 thus # 17 The Star card though vulnerable we have high hope for a clarity of vision.l The frequency average for today is at 7.98 hertz thus 24 which adds to # 6 the KLover card a harmonous relationship balanced, intuitive and loving.

Therefore we can say about it all is: that Death transforms us with stregth and bravery we can face it with hope and clarity that we get from the stars which we love.

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