Environmentally Induced Metamorphosis l Ranch Life #1 l Chilcotin Ark Institute

10 months ago

I’m currently doing an internship at the “Chilcotin Ark Institute” in Canada (British Columbia). So far it has been a demanding experience that’s pushing me to my limits, I like that. So far, I haven’t really done any wildlife-related work, but I am doing and learning things for the first time. Things like using a chainsaw, driving a tractor/ATV, riding horses and researching/writing articles about First Nations Land Management. There are also other tasks that are making me stronger physically and mentally. I don’t think I ever felt this strong, and I can already feel some changes in the way that I think and look at problems. I’m excited to start going on more horse rides and doing wildlife research or any type of work related with animals/environment. These mountains are beautiful and so far, I have seen a wolf, coyote, beavers and bald eagles. I hope you enjoy the video, I feel like this is going to be the least boring video that I have done so far for some reason. Maybe it’s because I added some music and an audio of me talking but who knows. It feels good to be back in a place like this, away from everything but close to anything. And who would have known that I would like to take care of horses, which was an animal that I was never a fan of for some reason. Billy’s my favourite. Everyone should try and live out a ranch life experience, I promise it will help you.

Chilcotin Ark Institute Website: https://chilcotinarkinstitute.com/

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