ere we go ere we go ere go..... my ever expanding troll collection

8 months ago

My budding troll army. Sounds like the new arcane journal for Orcs and Goblins includes something of a troll army and I'm all in for it.
Warhammer The Old World

A few of the RN Estudios I couldn't recall the specific names but here's most of the list:
Zeera -Elf/RN Estudios
Cronia/RN Estudios
Wild Women of Upland/ Across the Realms
Nuara the furious/Krisztián Hartmann
Thitania the Beheader/Twin Goddess Miniatures
Bredga the Barbarian/Crippled God Foundry
Savage Orc Marauder/Crippled God Foundry
Orc Female Grunt FREE/My3DPrintForge
ghamak/barbarian pinup
ghamak/Orc pin up
Menagerie Miniature (Willy Kao)/Sword Maiden/Female Barbarian
Avatars of War/ Barbarian Manhunter
and one old Reaper metal miniature.

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